Simplex 4004 Adhesive Membrane Key Fix?

Hi folks,

It’s been a very long time since I was last on this forum. While I do not plan on getting back into the hobby anytime soon per se, as I am a fulltime Emergency Management and Homeland Security student, I recently was inspecting my 4004 panel (which has pretty much sat in my basement unlugged for the last 3 years or so) and noticed the sticky adhesive backing on which the ACK, Silence, and Reset is peeling a bit. Did power it up and despite the ACK key making a peeling sound as old adhesive does as it ages, the key does work (for now). Didn’t really mess around with it a whole lot other than that as I’d rather not make anything worse.

Is there any way to re-adhere the backing to the board at all in the future? I’m afraid I don’t have the budget for a new CPU, so any ideas are welcome. Thanks.