My Judgement Over Taken 3 School Scene

I went to watch the new movie: Taken 3 in my Local AMC Theaters. At one part in the movie when Brian Mills has to escape, he sets off a bomb and activates the fire system and sprinklers in his daughters school, I was annoyed with the choice of recordings and systems they used for this. It was a Simplex TrueAlert System With 4906-9127 Speaker Strobes as the school alarms. Of course expectations like this in movies are not common but when Mills set off the alarms, you hear just a bunch of motor bells rather than an EVAC Message of some sort.

What do you think of this part of that movie(if you’ve seen it)?

I think you should stop worrying about the alarms and enjoy the movie. :stuck_out_tongue:

Friendly insults aside, they probably chose a building and used it to shoot that particular scene and it had TrueAlerts.
Also, I will bet the editors didn’t know anything about alarms and just edited in a stock recording of a bell. That’s usually the case. How many times have you heard that same stock Carter siren wail in many movies? Or the exact same bell noise? Editors don’t care what it sounds like or getting the sound accurate for the real world, besides most people will recognize a bell noise inside a building as meaning a fire alarm even though they don’t sound like that in real life.

That is all for this broadcast.

Good point.