Firelite MS-10UD Panel Question

I have a Firelite MS-10UD Panel that I am looking to sell but do not know what to ask for it price wise. It came out of a restaurant, has the key, and has nothing wrong with it. I just don’t have a lot of knowledge on these things so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Welcome to the forums!

While we don’t usually provide appraisals here, in order to prevent potential conflicts of interest, taking a look at the “Sold Listings” on eBay for your particular item is always a good place to check. Viewing the “Active Listings” on eBay is also a good way to get an idea of how much others are asking, but is not quite as powerful as seeing prices for which the items have actually sold.

I’ve provided links to both resources below. Both of these links inclde a filter for “Used” panels to provide the most accurate results.

eBay “Sold Listings” for Firelite MS-10UD, filtered for “Used” Panels: firelite ms10ud for sale | eBay

eBay “Active Listings” for Firelite MS-10UD, filtered for “Used” Panels: firelite ms10ud for sale | eBay

I hope you find this information helpful!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the site, please feel free to contact me or any other member of the Staff Team!


send me a pm and ill help you out