Firelite MS-5UD Piezo Buzzer Replacement

Lately with my MS-5UD the piezo has been malfunctioning (Sometimes skips a beat, sometimes changes pitch), and I was wondering if anyone had a good idea of a replacement sounder that I could buy for it.

Any help is appreciated!


Put your meter on the pins for the piezo buzzer and find a comparable buzzer that takes the same type of voltage. If you can’t get a stable reading, it may not be the piezo itself but rather the electrical connection could be starting to fail. This could be caused by a bad solder joint, bad circuit trace, dying driver circuit, etc.
Note that this is a circuit level repair and should only be attempted if you are comfortable soldering on PCBs or are willing to risk frying the entire board. Also note that this would absolutely ruin the UL rating of the device and it could not legally be used in a real life safety system.

The piezo cannot be replaced, it is necessary to replace the panel.