Simplex 4010 testing

I have a Simplex 4010. I need to test my flow switches on the system. I do not want the strobes and horns to activate, but will need to verify that a signal is sent to the panel. Is there a way to do this? Thanks in advance for your help.

The best way to do this is to run a silent walk test. This will allow you to test the flow switches without going into full alarm, and you can configure the walk test so that the signals do not sound:


  • [*] Notify monitoring, just in case the dialer dials out. Tell them to put the system on test.
  • [*] Log in to the panel
  • [*] Menu, scroll to Walk Test, then press Enter
  • [*] Walk Test On, Log, Silent (This will log the inputs without sounding the alarms)
  • [*] Press Enter to go into Walk Test Mode
  • [*] Activate your flow switches
  • [*] When you've finished, press Reset.
  • [/list]