
Anyone have any experience working with the W-Gateway and wireless AV Horns?

Am hooking it into an ES-50X addressable panel.
According to the manual that comes with it; it only requires 1 address; which I assigned as 6 on the SLC loop.
The panel returns trouble on this address as “Profile”
And the +1 and +2 address 7 & 8 in the system as “unused” (which I shoudln’t need??)

I did successfully assign the wireless profile to the gateway using the Swift software on my laptop. I did not build the wireless mesh as of yet.

It takes 3 addresses 2 being virtual. All consecutive. Set address 7 and 8 as non reporting user defined and you’ll be good to go.

The whole 3 address thing is buried deep in the info. You’ll never find it. I only found it after the fact.

-I’m an advanced Gamewell Fci programmer and I’ve done Swift in the field.