Simplex 4903-9427 TrueAlert compatible with 4905-9938 SmartSync module?

Hey everyone,
I was wondering about possibly buying a TrueAlert, a SmartSync cube, and some other more ‘modern’ Simplex accessories for a “TrueAlert” mini system I was building. I saw a good deal for a 4-wire 4903-9427 TrueAlert NIB and was wondering if it is compatible with a 4905-9938 SmartSync module so that I can code the horn with the module when the strobe is set to sync and use it over 2 wires I believe.
My question is, are these compatible? Or should I purchase a used SmartSync TrueAlert instead since I know that will work with the module? I just don’t want to get a 4 wire TrueAlert and a SmartSync cube only to realize that I can’t code the device with the sync module because their not compatible or something. Thanks for the help everyone! If this issue turns out to be what I think it is I’d probably just buy a 2-wire sync TrueAlert instead because I know that those are compatible.

The 4903-9427 is a 4-wire device only. It is not SmartSync. To operate the strobe and separately code and silence the horn requires two circuits. A circuit for the strobe and a circuit for the horn.

Link to datasheet:

Ok. That’s what I figured. I’ll just get a 2 wire TrueAlert then.