Gamewell S# series wireless panels

Hi - anyone have info (manuals, etc.) on these panels?

We have a few installed as temp panels for areas under construction at a few of our facilities but the local dealer is a PITA to get on site and we basically have no info on these panels (we own them and will be re-using them in other areas/buildings in the future).

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

I assume you’re referring to S3 and SWIFT wireless. I have considerable experience with the former, but none with the latter. I can send you a few manuals when I find the files. I don’t understand why Honeywell is so tight fisted with basic information for end users of their proprietary systems. It seems counterproductive, to say the least.

I’m pretty sure it’s an S3 panel. I’d have to look. Any info you can send (if you can find it) would be great. Thanks!

what is your question on the system? I do swift systems. Hope I can help