Category Topics


Any announcements / news regarding The Fire Panel Forums will be posted here! Scroll through to see past announcements dating back to 2012!

The Suggestion Box

See something on the forums that is broken? Could be better? Let us know by making a post here, we will do our best to accommodate as much as we reasonably can. Thankfully now that we use Discourse instead of phpBB, things that were previously too ‘messy’ to accomplish are now able to be done.

Forum Tips and Tricks

The Staff are currently working to re-write the “how-to” portion now that we have transferred off phpBB. You should see some updates soon!

Fire Alarm General Discussion

The General Discussion category is for casual fire alarm related conversations. However, requests for help, sales, media, etc… should not be placed here.

Show off your Collection

We want to know what YOU have in your collection, so feel free to share it here! Have something really rare, this is a great place to tell us all about it, and feel free to post pictures of your devices here as well. You may also link/embed external content.

General Fire Alarm Media

Find a cool YouTube video, Instagram post, or TikTok that relates to fire alarms? Please share it here with us, we’d love to see it! However, if you want to share your own content, please post that in the “User-Created Media” category.

User Created Fire Alarm Media

Share YOUR pictures, videos, and whatever other media you can here so long as you own it. Feel free to link to external sources such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc…

Fire Alarm Help

Alarms can be tricky sometimes, so if you need help please post here and I’m sure a member of the community will be there for you as soon as possible. Please be patient though, even though people may be online, does not mean they have the answers.

Fire Extinguishers Suppression

Know a thing or two, or want to learn about, fire extinguishers, kitchen systems, sprinkler systems and everything in between? Cool! This is the forum for you.

Guides and Information

This is a great place to learn about how to keep track and care of your system, as well as how certain things work. Need to add a new topic? Consider posting it in the General Fire Alarm category, and we can always move it in here!

Security System General Discussion

Security Systems are pretty common when paired with Fire Alarm Systems, so this is a great place to chat about security!

Security System Media

This is a great spot to share either your media, or others media in regards to security systems. Feel free to post pictures, YouTube videos, TikToks, Instagram links, etc…

Security System Help

It can be hard to find help with security systems, especially older ones, so feel free to post here and we’ll do our best to help you. Please be patient though, as this process can certainly take time.

General Discussion

Not everything in the world is Fire or Security related, so lets chat here about just… anything!

Flea Market

Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy or swap? Post here, feel free to share links to eBay. Please note that all sales matters should happen in private messages, and The Fire Panel, LLC is NOT responsible should a deal not work out here.

Emergency Warning Systems

Tornado Siren fan? Maybe you have some weather radios, or are curious about the alerts that pop up on your TV or Phone? Well this is a great place to talk about it, ask questions, etc…

Weather Talk

As we transitioned the forums to Discourse, Texas is nearly shut down due to a snow storm! Weather is weird, but that makes it interesting, so feel free to discuss the weather around you and around the world!

Emergency Vehicles

Fire Trucks, Police Cars, Ambulances, even arguably those road side assistance vehicles are pretty interesting! This is a great place to ask questions and share media related to Emergency Vehicles.

Radio Communications

Ham radio user, or just generally curious about it? Well look no further because radio is pretty cool! Whether you want to discuss analog simplex, or P25 Trunked Networks, let’s discuss it here!

Emergency Lighting

As suggested by Can we get a section for emergency lighting? - #3 by Kai_Bannon, conversations about ELS, Flood Lights, Exit Signs, etc…