2011-12 Emergency Drills (Fire, Tornado, Lockdowns, etc...)

Well we had another unexpected fire drill today. It was during 6 period again, as in the last post aboove this one. I was hoping the would’ve done it during 2nd, my tech class has a pretty interesting array of the FAs. Anyway, the alarms went off around 1:10, lasted about 4 or 5 minutes. Here’s a video:

Around the part where I enter the first floor lobby, you can catch a glimpse of the Edwards annunciator on the wall, as well as an Edwards 270-SPO. The only thing left is probably the lockdown drill, i’m not too sure if our schools gonna even bother doing it.

We had a fire drill today, during 1st block at 8:30. It was pretty cold and windy outside, but luckily, we had to be outside only for about 5 minutes. :slight_smile:

My school board has its office right next to my high school, and today they had some fire alarm troubles. I was in period 6, in the portables behind our school. The alarms in the board office are Simplex Truealert horn/strobes. They kept going on and off in pulse for about 20-30 minutes. People in my english class thought it was a car alarm, but i knew it was the infamous sound of the truealert from the board office.

Today we had a fire drill at 10:00, 1/2 hour into our 2nd block class. It’s odd, because every other fire drill that there has been this year has been at the beginning/end of a period. :? I was in one of the science rooms that was built in 1998. It’s in the part of the school with Gentex SHGs, and luckily, there weren’t any alarms in the classrooms. This was also probably one of the fastest fire drills that I’ve been it - it around 5-6 minutes from the time that the alarm went off to the time that I was sitting in class again. :slight_smile:

Stevenson conducted its last tornado and fire drills of the year today. The tornado drill was held at 7:26, while the fire drills were at 8:30 and 9:32–the latter of these being held during class change. Of all the time I have spent at Stevenson, I have never had the fire alarm go off before a class period started; however, under Michigan state law, fire drills can be held during lunch, recess, or other times where there are people but not in classrooms. The state also requires a minimum of 8 fire drills to be held each school year, but 6 are absolutely mandatory for any school operating any grades K-12.

With this in mind, all that is left is the second lockdown drill of the school year, although I do not know when this will happen, as students and most faculty are not informed prior to a drill occuring.

[Merge from topic titled "Lockdown Drills and/or Shelter-In-Place Drills]

Did your schools do Lockdown Drills, Shelter-In-Place Drills, or both? If so what was the procedure?
My schools (and every school in my district) do both.

Lockdown Drills (CODE RED in my District)
I’ve been through Lockdown Drills since Kindergarten in the 2001-2002 school year. All the teachers lock the doors and windows, close the blinds, and everyone stays in the classrooms until an all-clear is given. In middle school, in some cases, they turned off the lights and we sat on the floor. And since 6th Grade, all my schools use Red/Green Cards to signify weither or not everyone was accounted for.

Shelter-In-Place/Hazardous Materials Drills (CODE YELLOW in my district)
As with Lockdown Drills, I’ve been through these since Kindergarten. We would all go inside and to our classrooms. They would then close the doors, windows, and vents. The HVAC and fans would be turned off and we waited until a all clear was given. But for one of the drills in Kindergarten, they set off the fire alarms for some reason, but I don’t know why.

For both drills, they make an announcement over the PA System.

We had a fire drill at 8:30 yesterday. It was annoying timing since it was a “7-period day” that day. Basically that means we have all of our classes for 50 minutes on the same day, instead of having the normal schedule where classes are every other day. And to add to that, I ran out of time to finish a test because of it…

Today, we had our first fire drill of the second semester today. It was during period 2, at 10:00 AM. I was in the library at the time, with my class, when the alarms went off. There are 2 fire bells in the library, a 10" Edwards Single stroke adaptabel, and a 10" Edwards vibrating adaptabel. Here is the video link for the fire drill:

Man, I have forgotten about this topic.
I missed the November one by mere minutes (did it right before I got there), December was not done, January, February and April were on Mondays at 1:15. March was a Friday at 9:45 and May was the last Monday at 9:40.

Since not many people have posted in this thread for 2011-2012, do we need to create another thread for 2012-13?

Our last lockdown drill for this school year occurred at 8:30 today and lasted for 4 minutes.

We had what i think was our last fire drill of the year. It happened during period 1 at 8:15 AM. I had to do a presentation in that class, so instead of starting it, we decided to wait for the fire drill to happen. I also took a video, getting the alarms going off, because I knew about the drill beforehand.

It may sound like there’s a fire bell in the classroom we’re in, but there isn’t. They are really loud bells. The alarms you hear are 2 Edwards 10" adaptabels. Also, when I get outside, you can hear 2 more bells, one single stroke and one vibrating, coming from the cafeteria windows.

Our office had our “spring” fire drill today (better late than never I suppose - the 6-month mark was back in May). Unfortunately, due to some personal issues, my anxiety has skyrocketed lately and back in May I asked to be notified of drills, and when I logged onto my computer this morning, there was an e-mail from one of my supervisors telling me about a drill at 10:00. Because they set off the alarm a few minutes early last time (also at 10:00 drill), I pre-vacated the building at 9:50 and headed to our meeting place. They were actually right on time this time, with the alarm going off at exactly 10:00. Surprisingly to me, they shut it off at 10:02. We stayed outside until roughly 10:07 and we made our way back in. Just as we were reaching the doors, however, all of us hear approaching sirens. It seems SOMEONE didn’t do their job because those sirens were coming from the apporaching fire trucks, and after going to the front of the building, sure enough, there were fire trucks there with their lights flashing. They left eventually (probably not very happing having been sent out for a non-emergency) and a little while later the building manager sent everyone an e-mail thanking them for following proper evacuation proceedures and noted we emptied the building in under 3 minutes (which explains why they shut the alarm off so soon).

So, my anxiety can be put to rest for another several months until our next scheduled drill, which won’t be sometime until the fall.