At what point did you stop becoming afraid of the fire alarm?

Hearing the fire alarm doesn’t make me jump if I don’t know its coming and I am in a classroom. I understand now that its the anticipation that makes me a bit nervous. The anticipation of anything I guess. Not it actually happening.

[quote="Simplex 4051" post_id=84699 time=1564802582 user_id=18]

Hearing the fire alarm doesn’t make me jump if I don’t know its coming and I am in a classroom. I understand now that its the anticipation that makes me a bit nervous. The anticipation of anything I guess. Not it actually happening.


All the kids at my school were so unfazed by the fire alarms a couple months ago, I didn’t see a single person covering their ears. And yes, they were on high volume. Even some of the more special needs students were fine.

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I’ve never been afraid in the first place…

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I will admit I am still afraid of

I was homeschooled, so I never had fire drills. I very rarely hear the fire alarms go off. Also, I watch fire alarm videos by @SER_Safety. So, in conclusion, I never have been and never will be afraid of fire alarms.

In middle school I could esilly predict when it was going to activated. Because of how high volume the Spectralert Classics are and my very sensitive hearing I still had to plug up my ears.

I have autism so all the nois really overwelms me

Honestly, I was kind of afraid of it until middle school because my middle school has a quiet voice evac system. I was especially scared of it in 5th grade because I was in a classroom with a horn/strobe in it instead of just a strobe or no device.

For me I was no longer afraid of it around 5th grade
Even tho I’m obsessed with them I have Igniterroremophobia “phobia of fire alarms” since I was in PRE SCHOOL and I still have it but it only triggers when I am alone in the hallway of a building or alone inside a bathroom I’m used not used to going into

When I started doing more and more research into it.