I’m kinda getting 2120 vibes with that keypad. Could I possibly beta-test the CS1?
Is there any cabinet for it? If not, I’d suggest a keyswitch lockout
There will be a glass cabinet door in front of this, but will have a key.
Also I have another fictional panel
FTW Alarms FireAlert Series 4000 addressable fire alarm panel
Expanded FireAlert mark 2 36 zone panel with 500 zones making it great for large hotels and shopping centres
Utilises FTW Alarms’ patented FireAlert intelligent addressable protocol
Fully compatible with the 36 zone FTW Alarms FireAlert mark 2 addressable fire alarm panel
Devices used include the FTW Alarms FireAlert 34490 O-H-S addressable optical smoke/heat sensor sounder and the FTW Alarms 23670-ADSB addressable detector sounder beacon base
I plan on making some more currently fictional devices in the next few months
Slight update:
I will make up some more devices at some point
I designed some custom smoke detectors/alarms. They can detect smoke, co, infrared and heat. The smoke alarm has a voice and low frequency sounder. While the smoke detector has an optional sounder base with a co detector or a speaker base. I may try to draw some notification appliances, pull stations and a panel.
Here is my company Vottishire Fire systems(VFS) And Vottishire Signal systems(VSS) And NS signals(NSS) the parent company is VSS.
we make premade panels and alarms we rebrand stuff because we were founded in 9/3/24 but we have our own plans we have made some costome and premade panels (pictures down below)
We do take orders! feel free too ask (no payment necessary) we also make suppresion systems (logos down below) we are approved by seaside building code (my fiction province’s building code company)
Vottishire EIO-V plans based of the simplex 4003 ec or wheelock safepath except it doesnt need another panel to silence it.
I am in the mix of doing a little surprise demo system
NEOAlarms MFG. Co., which is based in the eastern Cleveland suburb of Willoughby.
we primarily manufacture custom panels with AC or DC output voltages for legacy/vintage or modern signals–the latter include sync modules for all MFGR’s protocols. Another product line includes reproduction OEM-designed back boxes for vintage peripherals that do not mount to a standard NEMA box. (primarily for enthusiasts/collectors)
Our signaling devices include the “AnimaBird” series (AB):
Blue Jay (-BJ)
–Male (M)
-Female (F; growl only); used as trouble signal or remote buzzer
Crow (-C)