Fire Alarms in Buildings (2.0)

That’s how it also kind of is with Dan M.'s middle and high school. Most of the school, the parts built between the early 1960s and 1992, have Simplex systems, and originally had an old 4245 or 4246 system with 10-inch Simplex bells and 4251-113 Chevron pulls. In the 1980s, the school was added onto, which had 4251-20 pulls, but I don’t know what the old signals were (they might’ve been 2901-9332 bells). In 1992 the middle school wing was built, with 2901-9333 bells on 4903-9101 strobe plates and 2099-9756 pulls; the panel was also replaced with a Simplex 4002 set on March Time. In 1995 the rest of the school got upgraded, with 2901-9332 bells on newer strobe plates replacing the old bells.
In 2002 the school was added onto, but the 4002 could not support the new wing so they put in a second panel and system: an EST 3 system with Wheelock 10-inch bell/strobes and EST SIGA-278 pulls. The Simplex system is designed to trip the EST system, but if just the EST system is activated first, the Simplex system only goes into Trouble mode. I hope they fixed that!

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