The doors are alarmed to prevent customers from going into the stockroom, which is for employees only. That is why there is also a code device next to the stockroom doors, since only employees and other authorized personnel are allowed to gain access.
-National Time, FOS branded Faraday horn/strobes & strobes (throughout building, some are non-ADA (FIRE on front of lens), signal coding is continuous)
-641 pull stations (throughout building, no protective covers)
-2400 series heat detectors (kitchen, main office)
-one EST or ESL heat detector (kitchen)
-black National Time panel (unknown year or model, main office)
-blue-painted P804 trouble bell (outside main office)
-original system consisted likely of 411F horns (non flush-mount) or possibly fire bells, w/ either 620M or break-glass pull stations
-gray P804 (multi-purpose rooms), P806 bells (throughout building, ranging in dates from 60s-80s, non-flush mount, some bells outside have protective covers)
Found this system in a tall building in Providence this afternoon:
A very large Simplex 2001 system. I’d seen 2001s before, but nothing this extravagant.
These were the signals:
Now I’ve seen many different alarms on those plates before (including speakers) but never THOSE speakers (I believe they’re Federal Signal?).
Anyway, thought I’d share with those of you who like the older Simplex panels.
I think the hospital I worked at may have had a 2001 panel setup like that at one time! I know they still do have at least a couple of 2001 panels, but now the audible tones are provided via a Simplex 4100 panel (they do have a few other 4100-series panels around the hospital as well!) The signals that were installed with the 2001s were older 2902-9732 LifeAlarm speakers on 2903 light plates, and many are still intact (renovated areas mostly have 4903 speaker/strobes.)
David Friend Recital Hall, Berklee College of Music, Boston. This was the setup throughout most of the building, but the first floor and performance hall had Notifier BG-12LX’s and Wheelock ET70’s.
Uchida Center, Berklee. Pulls were Simplex 4099’s. I believe the NA’s were a mix of these Space Age VA4’s, TrueAlert speaker/strobes, and a few Wheelock ZNS’s.
Old Fire-Lite Sensiscan at a hotel outside of Nashville. The system had BG-6’s, 7002T’s, System Sensor 1800’s, and some older yellowish Edwards smokes.
“Fire-Mark” smoke detector at a hotel somewhere in Cleveland. The rest of the system was Honeywell with ET-1080-LSM-24 speaker/strobes and 2400 smokes.
Old Notifier bell at a parking garage in downtown Nashville. I think these were disconnected since TrueAlert speaker/strobes were close by.
Yep, they did use to have Simplex 4051+4050-80s (same kind as the one I own):
I guess Quincy Market is through with Simplex; the South Building had also upgraded to a Mircom system but using Wheelock AS horn/strobes instead. Quincy Market I think had a Simplex 4010 prior to the upgrade, replacing an even older Simplex 4207 or 2001 system (the annunciator was still intact):
Also note that above it is a TrueAlert horn/strobe with no cover! I think that building still has a Simplex system.
Belmont University (to the best of my memory)
Freeman Hall - FCI FC-72 with FCI MS-6’s, Federal Signal 450D+VALS horn/strobes, 2400 smokes
Massey Business Center - Fire-Lite BG-8’s (silver), FOS 6120 horn/strobes (non-ADA), Fenwal smoke detectors
Curb Music Business Center - Same as Massey, but with some Simplex 4251-20’s and 4904-9101 remote strobes
Inman Center - Simplex 4099’s, TrueAlert horn/strobes, TrueAlarms
McWhorter Hall - Simplex 4099’s, TrueAlert speaker/strobes and ceiling-mount 4903-series speaker/strobes (white), TrueAlarms
Gabhart Student Center - Simplex 4099’s, TrueAlert horn/strobes
Patton Hall - Simplex 4099’s, Wheelock E50 speaker/strobes (white), TrueAlarms
Community College of Allegheny County
Milton Hall, Library, and Gymnasium - EST IRC-3 with 270-SPO’s, Integrity horn/strobes, SIGA smokes, and a few old Edwards 10" bells
Forester Student Services Center - Simplex 4020 with addressable 2099’s, 4903-9219 horn strobes, old-style TrueAlarms
Visual Arts Center - FCI MS-2’s, Wheelock EH-EL1-WM-24 horn/strobes, 2400 smokes
North Campus Building - Siemens addressable MS-51’s, Wheelock MT’s, ZNS remote strobes, outdoor Wheelock AS’s
At a banquet hall, there are EST genesis remote horns, Wheelock WS 1T24 remote sterobes, and ESL rebranded RSG t-bars. No panel or annunciator was seen.
Pretty unique system if you ask me.
It makes me sad to see older systems get replaced with newer systems if the horns still work. If they didn’t work, I would understand why they were replaced. All of the 2DCD horns in my high school got replaced with Wheelock ASs. Thank God they did it when I left so I could hear them.
It’s also because of the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements, or if a building is renovated. At Bridgewater State University, Boyden Hall is being renovated and they’re replacing their 4051+4050-85 horn/lights with Simplex voice-evac, and the Hart/Burnell Hall already had their old SAE 2DCD+AV32 horn/lights replaced with TrueAlert horn/strobes…
I do have to ask though, are new strobe plates being made or are just new horn/strobes being made? If new strobe plates are being made, I could make an argument for just putting the horns in the new strobe plate.