Fire-Lite MS-9600

Advice from an experienced collector to a new collector: Don’t go with addressable for your first panel unless you really think you’re comfortable with it. They’re relatively complicated and owning one can get expensive fast since you need to find addressable devices for it.

Have you read Destin’s excellent guide on buying your first FACP? If not I urge you to do so. Just so you know what you’re getting in to here.

I’ve installed a PSN-106 power supply before. They’re fantastic, extremely well made, easy to install and use, and… yeah.

ALL addressable devices made by Fire-Lite except the REALLY old stuff whose model numbers end in “ID” (such as PSID, SDID, etc) are compatible with the MS-9600. And also, Fire-Lite used to manufacture a BG-10LX which was an addressable version of the BG-10, meant for use with these.