Notifier AFP 1010

No printer, I was told we can’t afford it…GRRRRR

Maybe that’s true on your motorcycle website, but here we don’t want people getting HURT because they were misinformed by other users. I’m not trying to start a war here; I’m just stating the facts.


  • [*]That's why I said to not take any action until someone else confirms. The other user put a disclaimer. If everyone who posts a question just waits for a technician to reply, the thread would not get anywhere, rendering it useless. The other user and I were just putting in our 10 cents. :D
  • [*]You still should have said it in a nicer way, and told deej yourself to not take any action at that time.
  • [*]People can probably still get hurt with poor advice from a motorcycle forum board.
  • [*]deej, my school bus driver has a Harley-Davidson Fat Boy. She will also wear a jacket that says "I like fat boys", and random guys will ask her "Am I fat enough for you?", lol!
  • [/list]