RESOLVED: Help with my new devices

Damit. $hit time to pull out the soldering gun…

No, it’s ruined. No use for it anyways without an approved panel…

Dammnit!!! Anyone need a i3 2wire base, anyone selling a 4 wire?

I have some 2 and 4 wire i3s. Send an email to and we can help you out!

singsongy voice Samson to the rescue!!! Lol I will email you. Do you have others?

By the way, I Oppenheimer the pull and the model # is SG-32CXK1 Any ideas?

Assuming you google searched and found no results…

I searched too and also found no results.

It is most likely going to be CAT 30 though.

I did find one result:
A ‘B’ key is CAT 30 correct?

Yes any CAT 30 key is a “B” key.

If you haven’t already bought one, I’ll throw a 4-wire i3 in your box.

That would be great :smiley: same price?

OK hang on… I guess I don’t have to get a key copied now?

I guess if you don’t want to unless I didn’t read somthing…

Andrew - I was talking about sending him an i3, not a key. Yep, same price.

Your 500th post Destin :wink:

Mod Alert:All problems resolved, please set topic to locked.

We don’t lock help topics in case the OP or anyone else has further questions related to the post.

However we put “RESOLVED” in the title.

Well good to know :wink: