Very Cool OS&Y Fire Sprinkler Riser Valve 6"

I recently got around to doing something with the OSYSU Supervisory Switch on this valve. Using an old electrical enclosure and a Faraday 3430 4" bell from my collection, I put together this Supervisory Bell Assembly! The toggle switch allows the bell to be silenced, while a 120V “button flasher” pulses the incandescent light. Check it out below.

This is something you may find in an older facility. Nowadays, these switches are simply tied into the FACP.

The enclosure for the bell/light assembly was originally used to indicate a Low Air-Pressure condition in an industrial plant. Unfortunately, the orignal Faraday 7410 horn is currently inoperable. It can be seen at the upper right corner of the image in this topic: <URL url="Mother of all General Signalling setups. text=“viewtopic.php?f=25&t=6789”>Mother of all General Signalling setups.