The bulb used in my 4050-80 is indeed an 1829, mini bayonet style, 24 Volts, 70 milliamps. I measured and has an a resistance of approximately 36 ohms at around 60 or so degrees Fahrenheit.
If you were asking about what those terms mean, I can explain it.
To add on this, a rectifier diode used here is like a one way valve of sorts, but for electricity. Many electrical components use the terms “anode” and “cathode”, this refers to the “positive” and “negative” ends respectively. In most cases, the component would be connected in this manner unless you have a component that is designed to be connected the opposite way.
Hope this helps.
Great! Thanks for the info on the diode! That’s interesting that just one little white band could mean the death of something If it’s not hooked up right! Lol. I ordered some 1829s 4 to be exact Today as mine I found out was burned out.
Supposeably GE has discontinued the 1829s. So is jump on the whole you can! Also I’ll have a vid here at the end of the month showing the 4050-80 operating with the other systems on an external programmable relay that will be able to be adjusted to create the Simplex 2001 March time through a 4005! It’ll be pretty interesting I don’t think it’s ever been done!
Does anyone know if the pitch is adjustable to be lower or higher like the 2901-9138s? If so what needs to be done? I want make the pitch higher. I tried the volume screw and it didn’t help with the pitch. Any info would be very helpful!
YouTube: Mrtruealert
Fire Alarm Panel forums:
I am wondering what made them decide to upgrade the codes at that point? Is it something they take a look at every few years or was there something else?
It was because the ADA was passed. It was a federal law and thus the NFPA, not being a government organization itself (while they set codes they are not affiliated with the Federal government nor a government agency), had to comply with it just as everyone else did.
Thus, the law made the existing codes null and void as they did not comply with the new law which dictated these requirements for fire alarms and other signaling devices, except for existing buildings which were grandfathered in and didn’t need to meet ADA compliance unless they were renovated or added onto and the fire alarm system was upgraded or the existing fire alarm system broke and needed replacement, then those buildings would be then required to meet the Federal requirement.
My only question is, is that an american law to replace the entire FA system if it is defective? Just cause here in Canada, we have replaced several old panels with brand new ones, but left everything else in place. Like example, we replaced an Edwards 2280 with a brand new Vigilant panel. But, we left all the old components in place (all the fire bells, pulls, etc). Just wondering if that’s how it’s also done in the states.
My only question is, is that an american law to replace the entire FA system if it is defective? Just cause here in Canada, we have replaced several old panels with brand new ones, but left everything else in place. Like example, we replaced an Edwards 2280 with a brand new Vigilant panel. But, we left all the old components in place (all the fire bells, pulls, etc). Just wondering if that’s how it’s also done in the states.
I guess it depends. At my first elementary school, they just replaced the failing Simplex 4208 panel and the old 4051+4050-80 horn/lights, but kept the existing pull stations, duct detectors and heat sensors. I imagine a main reason for replacing the alarm signals was because since the old 4050-80s used AC circuits and the 4208 was going away, they couldn’t be used anymore, and they figured as long as they were putting in a new fire alarm panel they should make all the alarm signals be ADA-compliant. For most of them they completely replaced the old horn/lights with SpectrAlert Advance horn/strobes on adapter plates, and this was a replacement job that had to be done in a hurry! (That would be another factor in why the initiating devices remained the same.) Interestingly, they initially kept the Wheelock MT-24-LSMs in the modular building (added in 1996), but then the following year, the Wheelock MT-24-LSMs also got replaced with Advances. I guess they wanted the whole thing to be consistent.
My only question is, is that an American law to replace the entire FA system if it is defective? Just cause here in Canada, we have replaced several old panels with brand new ones, but left everything else in place. Like example, we replaced an Edwards 2280 with a brand new Vigilant panel. But, we left all the old components in place (all the fire bells, pulls, etc). Just wondering if that’s how it’s also done in the states.
There is no national law on that. The AHJs in states, counties, and municipalities control how upgrades are handled. Each has their criteria controlling upgrades but many will allow replacement of a failing panel with a new one without replacing the field devices or bringing the building up to current code. The AHJ would rather have a dependable panel in a building instead of a troublesome old one that may be beyond repair. I replaced a number of 2001 and 2120 systems with 4100 equipment either standalone or networked. Simplex developed adapter kits that allowed 4100 equipment to be mounted in existing boxes which made the conversion easier.
Some situations can get sticky when a one for one replacement of field devices is concerned. The spacing and coverage of the old devices may not be to current code so some negotiation usually takes place on what is required. The 4208 that Wiley209 described may have had series AC horns which no modern panel can operate any more which required replacement of the A/V devices.
I don’t see why most devices would have to be replaced if they needed to replace the panel and they were for the most part ADA-compliant. My high school when I first went there had a Simplex 4020 panel which during the end of my sophomore year, was replaced with a Simplex 4100U panel. None of the alarms were touched. This includes the non-ADA compliant SAE 2DCDs on AV32 light plates that blinked. They didn’t get replaced with new-old Siemens U-MMT horns until AFTER I graduated.
I don’t see why most devices would have to be replaced if they needed to replace the panel and they were for the most part ADA-compliant. My high school when I first went there had a Simplex 4020 panel which during the end of my sophomore year, was replaced with a Simplex 4100U panel. None of the alarms were touched. This includes the non-ADA compliant SAE 2DCDs on AV32 light plates that blinked. They didn’t get replaced with new-old Siemens U-MMT horns until AFTER I graduated.
My district has done this before at a high school, which had Commander 2s and GMS horn/strobes and strobes on a Thorn/Autocall TFX-800 fiber optic fire alarm system, replacing it with a network of NFS-320 panels with Commander 3s and Speaker/strobes in the assembly occupancy buildings. The pull stations and smoke detectors were replaced in the process, too.
On the other hand, a middle school on the west side of the county had their FCI system replaced with a NFS-320 network, replacing the FCI pulls and detectors with Notifier models, but they kept the existing Wheelock notification appliances and SNAC panels!