telephones in classrooms.

Did any of the schools you went to have telephones in all the classrooms (I mean all the classrooms not just certain exceptional ones)? I remember when my elementary school installed telephones in all the classrooms. I thought they were cool, but my teacher found it to be a nuisance when they first put them in. She be interrupted when she was teaching and the phone rang and she had to stop what she was doing and answer the phone.

You sound awfully familiar…

Anyway, all of our schools have phones in every classroom. Strangely enough, all rooms have talk-back intercoms, which shouldn’t be needed with phones everywhere. However, it does seem handy because the teacher does not have to stop class, walk to the phone, and answer it.

If anyone is wondering, we have a Simplex intercom system installed in 2001!

Yep. All the schools in my district have phones in every room. And most of the time, it’s the same phone model. It seems as though the district bought everything from the same suppliers. The musical instruments, fire alarms, PA, phones, lights, carpet.

Yup. This type of Siemens phone in every classroom.

Every classroom in my school has a Cisco 7930, and a few have 7940’s.

In my school district we have Cisco phones, one high school has 7940’s (b&w 2-line) for the teachers and 7960’s (b&2 8-line) for special people. My high school has 7945’s (color 2 line) for the teachers and 7965’s (color 8-line) for special people.

At the technology department of the district office I did see a 7970 (color touchscreen 8-line) phone.