1950 standard electric time co fire panel



Neat, those 1950s panels are especially rare. Great find!

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I have the wiring diagram for this if you need it. As I have one myself.

You have that same panel?

Yes, I have the exact panel.

It looks really old.

Mhm, 1950s-era as stated.

Pure analog circuits & relay logic, seems like a sort of old-school high-tech smart trap in Tom & Jerry or Disney movies. Just imagine the nice clicks of contacts and shaking of needles when it is in action.

Mhm, sometimes simple is best (though not by today’s standards of course). Often these systems last longer too.

Hey, so I know this is a bit of a dead thread, but do you still have the diagram for this? If so, I’m looking for one.

Hey. Yes I still have it. What’s your number. I can send you a picture of it

Looking for picture of diagram or looking to purchase panel? The diagram I have is for a power supply. Not the original picture in the thread. It was part of the system. Different though

Ah, ya I’m looking for the diagram for the panel itself. I am an apprentice, and we have a panel very similar to this one in class that we dont have paperwork for.

Yes, I am need of this wiring diagram as well! Could you please send it to me! I would greatly appreciate it.

Do you still have this diagram?

You should donate this panel to a fire museum!