AC fire alarm with pull station (no panel) - help with list of components

Hello all, I am looking for help on setting up an alarm/horn with a pull station, and no panel. This is just a single pull station and alarm for my home. I do not know the best components to get, especially around a power source, or what i need to get to tie in to AC power. Any help is greatly apprciated. TYIA - rhino

DO NOT use 120VAC power in your setup: not only is it extremely dangerous to use but most modern devices don’t run on it: they run on 24VDC instead, which can be obtained via hooking three 9V batteries together in a “pyramid” arrangement (connecting both of one battery’s terminals to one each on the other two).

You could find a 24 DC transformer and wire it in a light switch circuit. I used an old telephone adapter cord. You can check what it’s rated on the plug normally.

This schematic should help

Thank you SlyFox, I think this is the piece I needed to find.

Thank you TheCarson116. I was reading that there were systems that were designed for 110/120 AC but was having trouble find anything, I was not trying to rig something that wasn’t safe, but do appreciate the heads up.

Yeah. Be careful though: some sources of 24VDC output it as FWR, which can damage devices, including all newer ones by Simplex.

Sure thing! FACPs take in 120VAC as primary power, with DC batteries as secondary power: when it comes to a non-panel setup though everything is always at one voltage, usually 12VDC or 24VDC depending on the voltage of the devices being used.