Looking for the Age of this old ADT pull station. Doing a quick google search I’ve found ADT pulls dating back to 1908 but this one looks a little newer than that with the more modern logo. Any insight would be appreciated.
I cant find anything on them, but if I had to make a guess, I would say probably 1930-1950. Nonetheless, it’s a very cool pull station! Where did you see this? I’ll keep looking for more information.
It was in a distribution/Manufacturing Warehouse in Niles Michigan. I haven’t been able to find much on it. Just though it would be cool to know. I appreciate the info!
Update: After some digging, these were produced from 1940-1945. Very cool pull!
Very rare to find as well
Awesome! Thank you very much for the update! It will be good to relay this on to the customer!
Is this pull station still in use?
As far as I know, it is. I gave them a price last September to replace the system and last I spoke with them the owner does not want to update at this time.
What notification appliances are there? Is there a panel?