Alertek i8005 update


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Noooooo :sob::sob::sob: not the I8005

All I see being thrown into the dumpster is a Simplex 4010 and a Fire-Lite panel of some sort. What’s with the title?

someone doesn’t know the lore

So uh… What would be the context to why I just watched an uknown panel and an MS9200UDLS go into a dumpster at mach 5?

the voices told me to

Can someone fill me in on this lore?

Fire alarm technicians and collectors discord moderator meetup 2019

Ehh, makes sense. The voices tell is some wonderful things.

I would have taken the 4010.

You want a practically dead panel?

Yes, I could make a good display piece out of it.

Yes ryan! Its been my dream to own a dead panel

Video was deleted. Did he throw the i8005 away?

All the video depicted was…

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