"Analog" Addressable?

What exactly does “analog” addressable mean? Why is it analog and not digital? Additionally, has anyone ever been able to “hack” the signals being sent between a module and the panel to see exactly what is being said (specifically for FireLite and Notifier)?

Analogue addressable reads the values of the smoke detectors

Fire-Lite and Notifier panels use the CLIP and FlashScan protocols (also known as LiteSpeed). I have not seen any information about people hacking these protocols, but a good place to start would be the patents. The CLIP patent can be found here and the FlashScan patent can be found here. Both patents are older than 20 years, so they should have expired by now.

No that is intelligent

Analog addressable was the old name of addressable as back in the late 90’s- early 2000’s most protocols were analog. Nowadays most protocols are digital. For example system sensor (notifier, firelite etc.) CLIP is analog and system sensor AP (advanced protocol) (Notifier flashscan, firelite litespeed) is digital.

Oh okay. Sounds simple enough

Sorry for the bump but I’d say intelligent addressable is better