Biggest Fire alarm Fail I've Ever Seen

I walked into a store today, and saw a bunch of ceiling mount advances. I was wondering what fire alarm control panel the place had. It didn’t take me long to find it.

That’s an annunciator: the panel is mounted elsewhere & is hopefully still accessible, but you’re right: having the annunciator not easily accessible like that is a fail (not to mention probably a code violation too).

There is a specific grocery store chain in my area (Family Fare) that really seems to like to put heavy pallets of stuff in front of their fire alarm panels. Out of the few of in my area that have FA systems, the know at least two of those have done this. The one in my city has a Potter PFC-4064 panel that is blocked by a huge pallet of water bottles. That was never an issue until last year when they decided to remove the wall that the panel was built into. They relocated it to a different wall, but that is where they put their pallets. One in the neighboring city has a Fire-Lite MS-10UD with a similar issue.

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The two of you both oughta get your local AHJs (Authority Having Jurisdiction) to in turn get those business owners to move the obstructions, since I’m pretty sure code says that system components like the panel & annunciator must be clear & unobstructed at all times.

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