We aren’t going to get hit down here as hard as they are North of us, but people here are still freaking out. As far as preparing, just move the trucks in the driveway to make it easier to clear and have some snacks on hand in case I end up staying home tomorrow. I live on a snow emergency route so it’s always the first road in the county to get plowed. Even when we had a really bad blizzard a couple years ago and nobody else could get out, the main road was always clear and I could!
Up in the 60’s in the Springs! It’s a nice change after all of the snow and cold we’ve gotten over the past few weeks - out of the first 10 days of school, 5 of them were delays due to the inclement weather.
I chose “bug out” because I couldn’t choose 2 options, lol. Our first reaction is to do that, but ultimately as always, we will rough it out. This kind of thing has happened before.
We had a crap shoot of a winter last year, so any additional nonsense this year is not amusing. We had a fairly mild December this year, but when we hit January, it got very cold and stayed that way. Now that we are approaching February, we figured winter was almost over…WRONG! Up until now, we have had very little snow. The biggest snowfall up until now was 5" storm on of all days, Thanksgiving. Then this Saturday we got 7" and now 2 days later we get slammed. We are also expecting more on Friday. This is the kind of thing that makes you pace the flow screaming, WTF?!
We will get through it though, we always do. I’ll have to post some pictures later. We have to figure out how to get outside first though…the drifts are blocking the doors.
Now we’re expecting 1-3" of additional snow on Friday, and worse, a bigger storm on Sunday night-Monday. This storm at the end of the weekend could be particularly dangerous as it could start as snow, but change to ice and or rain. Hooray for the fact that the temperatures will support rain as apposed to snow, but when you consider that there is 3 feet of snow in spots (including roofs) this could be really bad. I see I may have to get the ladder out.
Well the first big storm was a week ago. The Monday night before I bought a new set of cross country skis… so take a guess what I did on Tuesday… Friday… Saturday… lol
Besides that though we got the snow piled on but we stayed vigilant with the snowblower and shovels and our driveway stayed pretty clear. Wasn’t as bad as people expected it to be, which is always a bonus, right?
I don’t mind the snow because our snowblower cuts through it like a hot knife in butter… but the crazy cold temperatures I could definitely do without.
However, driving in snow with a front-wheel drive Toyota Camry with almost bald tires that are nearly 4 years old is not fun. Slip sliding everywhere!
The blizzard officially dumped 36" of snow on my area last Tuesday. Then last Friday we got about another 3-4", followed by 18" more inches this past Monday. This kind of pattern leaves us with issues on where to put all the snow. The piles get so big, when you throw more on top, it just slides down again. The other big issue is traffic. My city does a terrible job with snow removal. They leave snow in some of the lanes, forcing cars to converge in 2 lanes on a 4 lane street. That and they leave a nice layer of slush and packed powder on the road surface causing you to slip and slide because traction is virtually non-existent. When I pulled into work this morning, my car slid a good distance and
I almost slid right past the parking lot. Not good.