So today I was in the kitchen I noticed that the power light on the smoke alarm in there was flashing 2 seconds on 2 seconds off I have never seen a smoke alarm do this before any help would be appreciated.
Some of my BRK smokes do that too
According to the manual that indicates the “alarm latching” feature: only the unit that initiated an alarm will have its green LED flashing like that, all others will not. Did that particular detector activate recently?
no my mom knows how cook lol
Well then I don’t know why it would be doing that. Briefly pressing the test/silence button should reset the detector & make its green LED stop flashing though.
ok I will try that thanks
The latching feature also happens if the battery is completely dead. I’ve had it happen too, it can be tripped by other detectors, but it can’t trip other detectors itself. Change the battery
Wait really? Well that’s an odd design flaw.
To not trip the other detectors? That’s because the interconnect circuit is typically 9v. This way that can interconnect in power outages iirc
Well yeah, but one or more detectors shouldn’t be activated just because the battery in one of them is dead now should they?
I’m not sure you understand me, and I’m not sure I understand you
Ideally the interconnect function should only operate when one or more units are sounding, not when the battery of one of them is dead.
update I came home to the smokes sounding and the one in the kitchen screams when power is applied i tried replacing the battery but it would sound so i decided to go ahead and replace it.
The interconnect function does work that way. The interconnect circuit is 9v so if there’s a fire during a power outage, the interconnect function still works
Yeah the one’s definitely faulty if that’s what it’s doing.
You’re still not understanding me: yes, the interconnect function should work even in the event of a power failure as long as every detector has a good battery, but it should not be triggered just because one detector’s indicating a low battery condition: only in alarm should the interconnect be activated.
The detectors aren’t triggered by a low battery. I should’ve worded that better
Funnily enough I just tested my 9120B together with its SC9120B smoke/CO variant today (the latter of which I recently got): both worked great (I’d already tested the 9120B previously however), though the 9120B failed to sound when the SC9120B CO-alarmed for some reason (yes they were both tied together via their interconnect wires).
im replacing all of them they are like 8 years old so they will need to be in like 2 years anyway