I think forum permissions might be broken? Apparently I was able to change the subforum another user’s post was on? I wasn’t expecting it to work when I set it to the proper subforum. Just thought I should bring attention to this?
What is the forum permission
I think as a regular, you get to edit topic titles, and move them to different sections
Yes, that is close.
There are trust levels in Discourse ranging from New (New users) to Leaders (The admin team). And depending on how much stats you have, you can level up. (The only exception is Leader, I only think Zach can do that.)
Here is a link about that. Understanding Discourse Trust Levels
Since HenBasket is a regular, he earned this permission.
Here is a list of regulars just to check.
(I want regular so bad but I fail to qualify) [Edit, I did it!]
Yeah, that seems to be it. Guess I didn’t get the DM since I automatically got the badge during the transfer from phpBB to Discourse
How long does it take to earn regular
It varies from one person to the next, but you have to be relatively active here, and contribute a lot to the discussion. I earned regular in a matter of months.
Well, I am pretty active here. Maybe I will get my regular badge in a few months
Dang. That is a lot of criteria
So obviously I wasn’t aware of that. I can see how it can be very helpful though (or also abused)… I don’t necessarily have issues with the community members helping out as long as no one abuses it, but I’ll let the @moderators have another say here. (Mods, note that only users of a certain trust level have this ability)
What is the criteria for leader?
In Order to Get leader you have to have a trust level of 4
I know that, but what’s the criteria for trust level 4?
Ask Zach about the criteria
Manual Promotion. @TheAlmightyZach and possibly other Fire Panel Admins can only do this.
(Sorry for the Ping Zach, Oops)
Honestly, I don’t really care about trust level, I just care about figuring out how to get the Goofus Badge.
Be one with the goofus doofus
I also want the goofus badge too
Well you never gave up, and you didn’t get let down. You do didn’t run around, so they didn’t desert you
Thanks Rick Ashley