I know many people would be interested of what the Burj khalifa has in terms of fire alarm systems so here I am posting of what I discovered in my dubai trip.

System is a honeywell XLS-3000 (rebranded NFS2-3030) with both eclipse protocol (fike protocol) loop cards, clip loop cards and flashscan/ap loop cards
Very interesting. I wonder if any other buildings in the UAE use American brands.
Many, most buildings there had EST (dubai mall and airport included), the hotel I stayed at has notifier, ive seen simplex aswell.
Such a big building would definitely require a voice evac system
Such a big building would definitely require a voice evac system.
Not sure about require but it does have voice evac
What I arguably find most neat is that white-colored RSG NC-SX-E break-glass station: not sure I’ve ever seen one in that color. What’s it used for exactly, emergency door release?
Not necessarily require, but it definitely add to the overall life safety. That’s more of what I meant.
To unlock doors with access control incase of an emergency
Ah okay, interesting…(I probably would have gone with a different kind of station since break-glass stations are obviously one-time use but alright)
Not necessarily one time use as you dont need to replace the device after a use. surprised they didnt use a green call point though
It technically is one-time use considering you obviously have to replace the glass after smashing it. Yeah: not using a green station or point is rather unusual given those are most commonly used for emergency door release from what I’ve seen.
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