Compilation of Canadian voice evacuation videos

Further to a discussion in another thread, I thought it would be interesting to compile a list of clips of Canadian voice evacuation systems with prerecorded messages, as the tones and messages used on these systems (often configured for two-stage operation) are different from the ones we typically hear. The videos below feature various manufacturers’ systems and are from three different provinces (Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario). I’ve only included videos that feature systems with prerecorded messages (rather than voice systems that rely on live announcements).

With the exception of the first one, none of these videos are mine.

Simplex 4100ES with first-stage chime tone and bilingual standby/evacuation and all-clear messages:

Simplex system (looks like a 4100U) with chime tone and evacuation message:

Simplex system with standby message (the all-clear message can be heard in this video):

Simplex system with slow whoop tone and evacuation message:

Simplex system with first-stage tone and standby message:

Cerberus Pyrotronics MXLV with slow whoop tone and bilingual evacuation message (Another clip featuring this system is available here. I regularly visit this mall, as it’s near my house, and the system has since been upgraded to a Cerberus PRO Modular.):

Siemens system with first-stage bell tone and message (the tone and message can be heard at the end of the video, at around 10:25):

EST system with first-stage tone and standby message:

EST system with code-3 evacuation tone and message:

EST system with first-stage bell tone and standby message:

Notifier NFS2-3030 with code-3 tone and evacuation message:

Notifier system (I think) with code-3 whoop tone and evacuation message:

Notifier NFS2-3030 with code-3 bell tone and evacuation message:

Mircom system with code-3 tone and evacuation message:

Code-3 tone with evacuation message (I’m unsure of the type of system):

First-stage chime tone with standby message (I’m unsure of the type of system, but I believe it may be the same as the one shown in the previous video):

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Huh, not as almost completely nonexistent as I thought. I guess I either forgot about these examples or didn’t know they were in Canada.

Very unusual: a Simplex system with Wheelock signals (also definitely unusual is the temporal 4 tone heard at one point, which is rarely found on any systems due to CO detection being a relatively new thing in the commercial side of the industry).

Very unusual choice of tone if you ask me (since most two-stage systems use a chime tone as the 1st-stage signal).

That sounds like one of Notifier’s current male messages, so that probably means it’s a Notifier system. Also note how the script is nearly identical to Simplex’s default message.

According to a friend of mine that message is usually heard on systems with Honeywell XLS3000s (which are Honeywell-rebranded NFS2-3030s, even though Honeywell owns Notifier).

A lot of these systems seem to have too-long tone durations if you ask me (that is, the tone sounds for quite some time before the message finally plays).

It’s certainly a unique one (there’s another video in my post that uses a bell tone as the first stage signal, albeit on an EST system). The tone sounds surprisingly realistic—I’m unsure whether it’s a standard or custom tone. I already knew that this museum has a voice system as I’ve been inside; however, had I watched the video without that knowledge and without hearing the voice message, I would have been convinced that the system used real bells.