I recently came across a a fairly large building with a voice evac EST3X system, but in the entrance, I saw the EST3X, and what looked like an annunciator. upon closer inspection, it was labeled “Emergency Communication System” branded by Cornell Emergency Communications. any ideas on what this could be used for?
Picture included for reference:
it is for an Area of Refuge system
What is that? is that a lockdown system?
It actually wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what the “Area Of Refuge” sound on System Sensor’s ExitPoint sounder is for as well (guiding building occupants to said areas that is).
Yes, this is probably what the area of refuge sound on the ExitPoint is for. What is odd, is that the building is only two floors, but pretty large, so I would not understand why they would need an area of refuge for this building. Is this a new code in Illinois?
Does the building have an open center in the middle of it or has very long corridors where it’s hard to find the exterior exit in the middle?
yes, the building does have a large space in the middle
Could be for the elevators? I usually see these in foyers all the time, they will have a silver or white box for elevator communications, for when the elevator gets stuck and someone tries to call it in.
It might be, however this is the first that I have ever seen this, and this building only has one elevator, with two floors.