Does anyone have a voice evac message that says “May I have your attention please, an emergency has been reported in the building. While this report is being verified, please leave the building using the exit stairways. Do not use the elevators, use the stairways only, do not use the elevators”
I don’t have it, but it’s the standard Wheelock message. You can probably find it online.
Is this what you’re looking for
No, I’m looking for the raw audio of this message: (turn volume up at beginning)
I found some messages on this site:
I listened to all eight of the messages on that website, none of the messages are the message that I need.
Do you know what brand the message is
I believe it’s Gamewell FCI
Ok I will look for some gamewell-fci messages
Gamewell FCI raw voice messages are almost impossible to find. My uncle works with them and while I have access to the messages, I am unable to/not allowed to share them. It’s setup in this unique way via Camworks that I am unable to download them and share them.
I’ve checked everywhere on YouTube as well, it’s so dang hard to find them.
If you can listen to the messages, could you screen record it? There are a lot of free screen recording software for windows, like OBS.
I’m sorry, I am not going to share the raw file messages.
I’m very sorry, I understand you want the message badly.
However, I can record a video with my phone of me playing the message from my computer if you’d like that? It won’t be the best quality but it won’t be the protected raw file. However there won’t be much background noise. I’ll only do it for one message of your choice, though.
And while I would wish you wouldn’t, if you post the video on your YouTube channel I’d appreciate credit for the audio.
Can you record the “May I have your attention please? An emergency has been reported in the building. While this report is being verified, please leave the building using the exit stairways. Do not use the elevators, use the stairways only, do not use the elevator.”?
Here you go, this is the best I can give you. I’m sorry my computer makes the message sound fuzzy, it sounds nothing like that through all of the speaker strobes.
Remember, if you share this on your channel that’s fine, however I’d appreciate credit.
Thank you for the message!
You’re very welcome, I hope you enjoy.
I also see that you uploaded the video an hour ago, its like you could read my mind, but again, thank you!