Does anyone know any other tones of the firecom lsn 2000, comtrak 2000/1750, or 8500. Or Siemens mxl chime tone

The only firecom tones i know are whoop chime alternating whoop/chime and fast whoop. And can you guys post any other footage of firecom panels

Okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa: those are all different panels all of which have different tones: one at a time please.

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Well umm first i would like to know about what the siemens mxl chime tone sounds like but no worries

No one knows what that one sounds like as far as I know: no videos supposedly exist of it.

Ok what about firecom but no worries

At least two videos of Firecom 8500 systems are known to exist, but both demonstrate only two tones the system can make: “whoop” & “chime” (it is unknown if these are the official names but that’s what they are).

What about casey systems comtrak

That I know nothing about.

Cool no worries its fine

Well for the Firecom and Comtrak systems

The 8500 has 2 tone generators, 1 producing the whoop tone and 1 producing the chime tone or as called the “chaser tone” on the patent and they work together on a timed circuit to switch between

There’s not much information on Comtrak 1720 so it’s unknown for now, the Comtrak 2000 most likely plays the same tones as the LSN2000 considering how similar it is to the LSN.

LSN2000 has a temporal 3 tone(chime), evac tone(whoop), inquiry tone (unknown).

Are there any other videos of the chaser tone besides firecom

This tone sounds similar

That’s Notifier’s current slow whoop tone.

It has two different whoop tones

Oh. I don’t know why it does, but I’m pretty sure that both are Notifier.

Oh ok thank you i knew it was notifier but it sounded similar