Does anyone know what the edwards ans/evax slow whoop tone sounds like, if so can you please show me

The only whoop tone I’ve heard from the ans/evax is temporal whoop

As far as I can tell there is no continuous slow whoop tone: temporal whoop’s apparently the only whoop-type tone it’s got.

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I recall it does sound like Star Trek’s Red Alert sound (unless if I’m thinking of Potter’s EVAX) that is modified to not sound just like what Star Trek uses.

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Yes, but Clyde asked if there was a non-temporal version of it: as far as I know there isn’t.

The Edwards ANS is just a rebrand of the EVAX. I’m pretty sure they use the same whoop if I’m not mistaken…


yep its a Temporal Code 3 modified from Star Trek Red Alert whoop tone only.

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I see a lot of mention of the Star Trek Red Alert Tone here. It isn’t temporal. The Star Trek Red Alert Tone is a continuous whoop until it cuts out for scenes with dialog. So I being it’s similar, it’s about as close as we can get.