Does Anyone Know Where This is From? (Hospital Fire Alarm video)

I don’t know if its already been mentioned before but, theres this YouTube video from 2009 and its of a screen excerpt of a video which seems to be some kind of employee instructional video as the other videos on the poster’s channel has similar content. But what is striking is that, other than this one screen excerpt, there is no other information on the whole film out there. Its possibly lost media and this is the only trace of it?..
The video is for sure a instructional training video as I have family that works in the Medical Field and the “DR. RED” is a signal indicating a fire in the hospital. The DR. abbreviation means a direct treat to a patient(s).
Not to mention at the last few frames, you hear a voice saying that “Healthcare Facilities can become the scene of many emergencies”.

But judging by the video, the details from what I can make out are:

  • Dated Between the late 1970s-80s as the video is using analog photo film and pretty dated editing techniques.

  • Was some kind of workplace training film of some sort.

  • And I think the video might’ve taken place somewhere in Michigan. At the time, Faraday was not really that big of a company. No bigger than National Time. Michigan especially back then had an abundant amount of Faraday & national Time products as both companies were headquartered there. And I know a few hospitals in Michigan that had a setup exactly like the video. One of them was mentioned in a post way back somewhere on this site.

Video Link:

I think some people have wondered about the backstory of that video for years, unfortunately there’s not much evidence to go on when it comes to finding the whole thing. That last observation of yours is a good one though, never would have thought of that myself!

Wayne County General Hospital (Now Demolished) in Wayne, MI is a very likely place for this to could have been filmed at, not sure though 100%