Emergency lights of my school

Then the lithonia ELM4L which I don’t got a picture of

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Your school has nicer emergency lights than mine. We mainly have prehistoric recessed emergency lights. The others are generic 2000s emergency lights and exit signs. No combos.

These look like classics.

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The 1st one is a Lithonia EU2C
The second one is a Lithonia ELT

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They aren’t old at all and still are made

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I did not know that. However the reason that I say that they look like classics is because I feel like they have been around for a long time, I thought the second one had a wood grain texture or something on the front.

Mine has a mixture of recessed fixtures (Mainly in the locker room areas and stage areas), remote heads, generic emergency lighting and exit signs, and emergency ballasts.

The junior high school I went to only had emergency lights in the front, the rest of the school had emergency ballasts, including a few of the classrooms, the office, bathrooms, and even the single light in the office bathroom had one.