Was wondering if anyone had any more information about EST’s new Genesis Outdoor LED Fire Alarm. Aside from one post with a picture of it on their LinkedIn profile (Edwards Safety on LinkedIn: Visit Edwards at NFPA Booth 501), I have seen nothing. I know the alarm debuted in 2022 at the NFPA convention, but no further word of it.
If anyone has any pictures of it, data sheets, model numbers, links, etc., please send them here. I’m trying to research more about the alarm in question and I’d like to learn more.
I checked their website and I couldn’t find anything regarding it—they link to the old WG4 xenon models only. At the same time, I might not be looking hard enough…
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I wasn’t aware of that video that briefly features the new LED replacement for the WG4 series, but I am aware of this video which actually demonstrates them, which is the only other thing to feature it as far as I know (honestly why they seemingly haven’t released it already like with a lot of the other upcoming products other companies have teased within the last few years I have no idea).
Wow, that’s so cool! Thanks so much for the video!
I wonder if they’re combining the ceiling and wall-mount version as one unit, as that’s the only version of the outdoor unit I’ve seen thus far. From the LinkedIn video I linked earlier, the angle of the “FIRE” lettering seems akin to that of a ceiling mount device, but it is still readable from a wall-mounted position.
You know, I’m not sure I ever noticed that (though that’s probably because I’ve only seen the one video as I said which features two that are lacking their covers). That is a good idea though as then you only need one device for either mounting position (especially since its predecessor, the WG4, was designed with this in mind).
Answering my own question here; I was looking further on Reddit about the device, and it looks like it mounts to the legacy Integrity weatherproof back-boxes (as stated here by u/pseudoparadoxx), so it probably does function as both a wall and ceiling mount device.
After some research and watching a video from an Edwards executive (GoToStage.com), we can expect the release of the Genesis LED Outdoor devices this October, with the high candela versions releasing in the second half of next year!
Super excited!
EDIT: Looks like the initial release of the outdoor devices will be limited to 15 and 30cd.
According to the webinar, the engineers are still trying to work with higher candela settings, which will apparently release in the second half of 2024.
However, their next train of focus following the initial release of the LED WP devices are revamping the low frequency series and making them LED, releasing in the first half of 2024.
I don’t know why since I think their rivals at Wheelock have already aced that, thus it doesn’t seem like it would be that hard to engineer high-candela LED strobes.
So what: until then they’ll still be selling the xenon Genesis-based LF devices? (even though the xenon Genesis line was discontinued some years ago)
In their presentation, they kept saying their speakers are already capable of a clear 520hz tone if your evac system chose to output it, so I am assuming they are currently forcing people to use speakers for LF situations right now.
The presentation was super unclear about if the LF horns are still being sold, but you’re most likely correct about them being discontinued, but from what I remember, many distributors still sell the xenon Genesis devices.
The situation is super unclear and confusing right now and it’s definitely not organized. They could have done a better job with this (the WP device has been delayed for over a year now, same with the high candela appliances).
In terms of Wheelock, to my knowledge I don’t think they have an LED outdoor appliance… neither does anyone else for that matter (until System Sensor comes out with theirs later this year), so that’s why I think they’re not as quick on releasing it just yet; there’s no clear competition for outdoor LED devices.
That won’t work for non-voice systems however, so I guess unless Edwards is still selling their xenon Genesis LF signals or until the new LED ones come out customers are out of luck.
Yeah: have no idea why they delayed the release by at least two years (if not more) for seemingly no reason at all.
Yes, but I think high-candela LED strobes are still a thing, courtesy of Wheelock.
Yes, but I think high-candela LED strobes are still a thing, courtesy of Wheelock.
I had completely forgotten about these! That’s true, Edwards needs to step up their game about this. Just curious, does Wheelock offer the same current draw for all candela settings? Edwards seems to love advertising this, which is why I think the high candela LED devices have not released; they’re trying to find a way to keep the current draw the same for all candela selections.
Also a quick tidbit I forgot to mention earlier: they’re going to be releasing different colored lenses for MASS notification purposes on the LED devices soon!
Since Wheelock is one of the only manufacturers in the LED strobe game I think they have said that current draw is the same regardless of candela selection, which is a big advantage over xenon strobes. Not sure why Edwards would be struggling with achieving the same result though.
So what: colored lenses for their Eluxa-series devices? (even though I could have sworn Wheelock just came out with Eluxa devices that have molded colored lenses (rather than being filters placed over a clear lens), unless that’s what you mean)
Nice. I just installed the Kidde WG4 outdoor horn/strobes in a parking garage renovation/rebuild. We carry the new LED Genesis indoor strobes and such as well.
In regards to low-frequency, Edwards still makes detector sounder bases that output a 520 Hz tone. (The system can be programmed to sound the sounder bases upon an alarm.)