EST3 Canadian tone

Does anyone know what tone this is and where i could find an hd clip of it?
The alarm is from an EST3 system installed in a condominuim building in burnaby british columbia, canada. The system was installed in 2003.

If you know where to find a hd clip of this sound, can you let me know? Thanks.

Sorry if i posted in the wrong places, i am new to this forum.


My best guess would be to use the wayback machine on the Edwards Signaling website, as you can find the sound library through there. An incredibly unusual tone though, never heard anything like it.

I’ve heard that tone in a handful of videos I think, & I believe all of them were shot in Canada, potentially meaning that it’s a Canadian market-exclusive tone. While I don’t know where it in particular can be found original source-wise, this is the closest sound I can find: a recording of an unknown Edwards/EST product called the “965A-4R1”:
Wayback Machine (

Ive talked to a few others who confirmed this is a canadian exclusive tone to the EST3 system, specifically its common in british columbia, as for the speaker, it looks like the type of speaker you would see in a school, the rounded ones, only much smaller.

Apon looking up this speaker, It looks nearly identical. I found another speaker named “965-7A-4RW” Which seems to be identical to the one i have and it appears to be a canadian specific model, i suspect this tone goes to that speaker. but i cannot find ny audio clips to confirm this.

Edit: It would be a very slightly different speaker, as the one i found has a strobe, which the one im trying to identify does not have, other than that everything else is identical.

I honestly have no idea why there’s a tone sound file for a speaker, which play whatever they’re fed & don’t have tones like other kinds of notification appliances (unless those particular models are connected to a tone generator for whatever reason).

These I believe are all the aforementioned videos I know of that have any sort of bell tone in them (& that might be Edward/EST):

Oh, also, use something else other than Discord for file hosting: they can’t be relied on for indefinite hosting now (the file you posted in this topic can no longer be played & as a result I can’t refer to it sound-wise).

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That mall is actually just down the street from the building i recorded the tone in, so this might have the same tone, i havent checked the video yet

The sound does appear to play for me. I can upload it somewhere else if you do need it. But the first video (crystal mall) appears to have the exact tone, only it repeats indefinitly rather thanringing 3 times before stopping for a short while.

Well how about that…

I don’t know why since I’m pretty sure after Discord links/files expire there’s no getting them again, not even by the owner/uploader.

I was going to refer to it when finding those videos, to make sure I posted only the ones that matched the closest, but because it no longer worked I just posted all of the ones I knew instead.

Ah okay.

Sorry to revive this topic, but I was going through my edwards files, and I found one that sounds the same as the “Crystal Mall” video, and the “Fire alarm” video. In the files it is titled “965A-4R1”. Here is the Drive link: EST3 Canadian Tone - Google Drive. It sounds like a fast electronic bell tone.

That’s actually the exact same sound that I posted near the beginning of this topic: also the one in the Crystal Mall video seems to be slowed down considerably, so it’s not exactly identical (ditto for the “fire alarm” video along with being slightly lower in pitch too).

Yeah I’ve seen that file and it is quite similar, the sound was produced by a ceiling mount speaker which has also been used for announcements from the fire panel using a handset inside. Which makes me believe this is a electric tone that is preloaded onto the panel l