FCI rebranding FOS/Faraday products?

So, i saw a FOS 6120 rebranded by FCI. Also, i remember seeing a Faraday multi tone horn with an FCI logo on it.

Yeah, I’ve seen FCI rebrand products from Faraday (“FOS” is Faraday’s “generic” brand name). I have an FCI-rebranded Faraday speaker/strobe in fact.

Is it one of the W-series speaker strobes?

I’m not sure what the original Faraday model number is, but mine is model “2607-N + 5526-W” (I got that from adding together the model numbers of the speaker & strobe, which for some reason appear to be separate rather than all one number). Mine looks identical to that one except it’s a darker shade of red & has the FCI logo in place of the Faraday one.

I actually saw a FCI rebranded 6120 on ebay. I thought of getting it, but it sold out.

Ah well, you might always get another chance to do so.

well i ended up getting one:)

Congratulations! Almost exactly a year later too! I hope you enjoy it!

What does “fos” stand for

It’s theorized that “FOS” stands for “Faraday OutSourced”, which as I said was supposedly Faraday’s “generic” brand name, intended to be used on products manufactured for other companies to use with theirs (or on systems needing such “generic” devices).

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Hence the FOS 6120 being identical to a simplex 2901-9838. Not sure why a system would need generic devices.

Ohhh that’s what that means

Faraday is technically the original maker of the 6120, with FOS as stated being the generic name for it; Simplex rebranded the 6120 as the 2901-9838.

There are applications where such devices might be needed, such as a system installed by a local service company or not by one of the big brand names (i.e. Radionics).

Just said it wrong. Knew fos was the original creator of the 6120