Call point blocked by “no blocking” sign
Poor KAC old style call point
The Smell of Burnt wires creepily enters the room
This should include some Detex pushbar locks
FIRE 001/001
System on fire
Here’s another one, funny enough it’s relevant to my current situation.
Shouldn’t be too big of a deal to just film it said next week (provided you learn that’s when it is & thus know to start filming the following week).
(would quote the German 4251-30 post but I can’t since it has no text & so I instead have to put this here so you know what post I’m talking about)
Holy crap! That is a heck of a rare find! (definitely among the rarest of the rare given literally only that single solitary one is currently known to exist!)
Nein! It’s a cursed 4251-30!
Thats what I also thought when I saw it for the first time until I actually realized that it was a German version.
Not sure if anyone has done this yet, but I’m happy to announce Wheelock’s spinoff company:
(creds to wikipedia cuz i found the base image there + its transparent btw)
(lazily made in scratch costume editor :P)
Random Fire Alarm Meme I made.
Update: Link works now!