Fire Alarms in Buildings (2.0)

So the horn isn’t down low, the pull station is up high?

This topic has been merged with Fire Alarms in Buildings 2.0.

I saw something quite unusual in one of the office building parking garages tonight. Wheelock ET1010 Speakers each with a Spectralert Classic Remote Strobe next to them and the other one just across from one another has the same speakers, but with the Wheelock WS Weatherproof Remote Strobes. Seems that the Spectralerts replaced the old Wheelock strobes that are in one of the garages. I wonder why they put remote strobes next to the speakers/horns when they can actually have the actual combos…(ex. horn/strobe, speaker/strobe, etc.)

That’s probably to save money on installation costs.

Actually, that kind of installation requires twice the amount of work, so it’s probably for a reason other than saving on cost.

It could be that Wheelock didn’t offer a weatherproof speaker/strobe combo at that time, so separate weatherproof speakers and strobes were used. It’s possible that the strobes were added later, since ET-1010’s have been around since before visual signaling was required.

Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport has the same setup outside each of the terminals’ entrances/exits (Grinnell Autocall TFX-series systems).

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Wonder what used to be where that trim plate is…

That looks nice on that kind of wall. I’m not used to seeing remote strobe SpectrAlert Classics, especially with the housing faded.

most likely a junction box

Simplex 4051. That trim plate looks like the SAME trim plates that my college used when they turned the campus into voice evac. Right down to the position of the screws. Or maybe I’m just reading too much into it.

Per request, here’s the odd system I saw at a K-Mart:

Panel: Fire-Lite MS-9200
Pulls: One BG-10 at the customer service desk (similar to Walmart)
Signals: FOUR Federal Signal electronic horn/strobes on every other support beam – one facing in each direction.

I bet it gets LOUD in there.

Also keeping with Kmart “tradition” there was a Vibratone on a wall in the back of the store – an older model that looked a bit like a 350. It was 2007 and I don’t remember exactly, lol. I think I have pictures hidden in a folder somewhere, I’ll dig around my computer tomorrow and see if I can find them.

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K-Mart has a nice system

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That’s not too uncommon. From what I remember, a Walmart in my area had that set up with Wheelock MT’s… they have been since replaced by ceiling mount, Spectralert Advances. I’ve also seen that set up in a few other places as well but I can’t remember exactly where.

The older Walmart here had a similar setup, however it was two MTs with the translucent WST-24 strobes and two WST-24 remote strobes set up on some old likely-Cerberus system.

The old Walmart close by my house has SpectrAlert Advanced’s on the ceiling as well. I’m not sure what the previous system was, but the building was originally built as an original Walmart (before the Supercenters were being built).

Was it converted into a supercenter?

I stay at the Grand Atlantic Ocean Resort down in Myrtle Beach,SC for my vacations and I’m going there sometime in August. Their fire alarm system is pretty unique, just because it’s a Gamewell-FCI branded system and I’ve never seen those in my area.

E3 series with Voice-Evacuation

Smoke Detectors:
XP95-P Photoelectric Smoke Detectors* (in corridors and elevator lobbies, none in the indoor pool area)

Pull Stations:
MS-95 Pull Stations (Typical BG-12 rebrand)

Red Spectralert Classic Speaker/Strobes (Everywhere except for rooms)
White wall/ceiling mounted Classic Speakers (In the rooms: 1 by the door, 1-2 in the living area, and 1 per bedroom)

  • I have to double check when I go down there in August, I think these are the right detectors but I was basing it off of what I remember from two years ago.

It is not technically listed as a “Supercenter”, but they’ve added a small grocery section made up of about 5 short aisles, and replaced the old Walmart sign with a modern Walmart sign (with the new yellow star). They also painted over the navy blue with tan paint on the exterior of the building. This building was small for even the original Walmart, and it is integrated into a shopping center, with it’s own fire alarm system. The prices are even a little higher than other Walmarts. That’s why I don’t like that Walmart. They are also just now replacing some of the old incandescent exit signs that didn’t light up, with Dual-Lite LX exit signs. The ATM is also from the 80’s or 90’s, and has a CRT screen.

I’ve been wanting to say this for awhile, but I kept forgetting.

So, back in February I went on a youth retreat at a ranch in Maryland. I’ve gone all four years in high school, this was my 5th year going as a ministry leader. Anyways, most of the lodging areas have your typical smoke detectors, but in the one common area building where people frequent to get late night snacks and just to hang out and socialize they have an old fire alarm system that consists of very old bells. (See reference at the end.)

The first night I was there, I was in line to get a milkshake, I hear this loud ringing commence in the background emanating from the other room. It took a moment to register that it was the fire bell. I don’t know exactly why it went off, but I believe it was from a heat detector. I went back into the room where they sell hot food items the next day and the disk on the heat detector was missing right above the fryers. I don’t think there was an actual fire because the fire dept. never showed up (local alarm system) and no one from that room seemed to be too worried once it went off. It does get kind of hot in there though when they’re cooking so maybe it was enough to set it off. When I was passing the bell, it was extremely loud, so I left and went to a different building on the ranch.

The bell looked like this (courtesy of computek272/NewAgeServer?):

It was probably even older than this one in the picture. but still a unique experience for me. First time I heard a vintage alarm system in action. I have no idea where the panel was at, but something tells me it was a very simple one based on the age and the fact there are a few heat detectors.

Emerald Square Mall has Simplex 2903+2901-9838s, ceiling mounted Federal Signal 450D horns and TrueAlerts in some areas. I think the parking garage might be voice evac since I haven’t seen any horns.

Olive Garden has Simplex 2901-9846 horns and System Sensor PA400R horns over the emergency exit as alarms that sound if you open the door.

Ace Hardware has ceiling mount Wheelock MTs.