Fire Drill Trouble and times where you got to with a drill

For your sake, I hope you login out of every session and change your password RIGHT NOW :!: . Those are my words of wisdom for you. And I would do it quick because it looks like you’re headed towards hot water really quick…

To css46: Accidents happen. All I have to say is keep your account more secure. Maybe it’s a lie or maybe it’s the truth, but we have no way of knowing and pointing fingers is what drove users off the forum in the past. Consider this a “heads up”, but unless the other staff wants to chime in, I say let’s lay this one to rest.

To everyone else: It’s not the end of the world. The issue is more about the drama that it stirs up rather than anything css46 (or his sibling) said. We’ve seen way too often what drama does to a forum, and it has to be stopped at the source. In the future, I’d ask that if a user posts something questionable, talk to them in private or contact a mod/admin rather than hold a public struggle session. In this case, it ended up being nothing.