Fire Drill Trouble and times where you got to with a drill

Also, you shouldn’t be messing around with the coding on an installed fire alarm panel. Leave it to whatever coding option it should have been set to prior to any maintanence you did. Your dad should have been the only one working on the panel, with you maybe observing, since you’re not licensed to do work on a fire alarm system…

Do NOT use stereotypes of special needs students for your story, especially if your story turns out to be fake, as it probably is.

I’d like to hear Andrew’s opinion on this…

I am just stating this. :roll:

I wouldn’t call this a personal fight. It’s a discussion about the validity of ccs46’s story and the issues contained within it.

This is the same sort of deal as when Jake and Friends pointed out the holes in mytechtime’s CO story.

Yep :roll:

At least that was true.

Let’s not start a flame war by bringing up old arguments which have already been settled.

I have total respect for that kid. I have the same thing he does autism.

If you think about it properly, ccs46 is probably bluffing and I have the facts for it but, before anything I need to know the state he claimed to do this work in. So for the sake of this discussion i’m just going to use the AHJ laws in the state of Florida where I live.

Now to settle the fire alarm issues, schools may allow you to, maybe silence and reset a fire alarm panel but to work on it. That’s ridiculous. Schools, including the administration, looks at their students as students and no more. They should know better then to let a student work on a “Life Safety Device” without any licensing. Now ccs46 says he was working with his dad BUT his dad is part of ANOTHER fire alarm company. Usually all schools are controlled and maintained by their district which means that they either certify usually one and only one company or have their own office that works on all schools in their district. This is due to laws and liability. Think about it, their’s a fire in a building and the fire alarms don’t go off and people get hurt or die, who is going to get sued, the fire alarm company not the district. Now if you add ccs46 into a court issue, the school and himself will get sued and put into court, but don’t think of it being a situation a school wont know of. Im sure all schools will know their jurisdiction laws and regulations.

Now for the server questions. First and foremost, a server room or computer is 24/7 under lock and key where the key could only be obtained by IT techs. Not even the janitors can access them. So look at this fact, how is ccs46 able to access the server to do whatever he claims on doing? It just does not add up. Now for the part where we where introduced to the special ed kid. ccs46 claims that during a fire drill, the kid got crazy and broke one of the computers/server. Now I don’t know how ccs46 school has their things organized but, by common sense something that important is usually under lock and key. Now, ccs46 claims it was in a secure area but was left open because of an IT tech going to lunch. Now I can’t argue about that because its human behavior that is being argued but I can say this. Usually their is at lest 2 tech that work on the servers for this same reason.

I just want to say something else. Now Im not going against ccs46 or anyone else (Form Rules) I respect everyone even people who hate me but this situation does not add up to where it needs to be.

TheGman994, you have summed up all of our concerns about this story quite nicely…

Ditto for me as well, I forgot to disclaim that in my last post. :smiley:

Tnx. Its something that got me really thinking for along time and doing some research as well.

OK, let’s stop trying to call his bluff since no one is in any position to guess the truth. As someone who went to a teeny tiny elementary school with less-than-ideal conditions, I can totally see his school being lax on stuff like server security and life safety measures. We didn’t even have internet, much less a server. I was pulled out of class and asked to fix some Windows 95 PC’s on a few occasions.

Also, he is not technically “working” on the system since his dad is licensed and is (hopefully) double-checking anything that he does. Unlicensed assistants work under the license of their superiors all the time in the field.

His story may be odd but I don’t think it’s fake, so let’s cool down the witch hunt and move on.

Lol, my 555th post.

Agreed. I’m sorry for any headaches caused by my two hulking chunks of copper I call my two cents. :oops:

Ditto :?

Sorry about all this I’m was coming back from cam

  • I was at camp for 2 weeks and my brother got into my account. My dad’s company does have a contract with the school but the server breaking and the kid is false and u do not fix the computers here. Sorry about any trouble he may have caused. -ccs

*I sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

This has officially been brought to a whole new level…

The last time someone claimed a sibling or a friend got into their account on here…

That user was banned.

Oh man now I feel sorry :frowning: Give the guy some slack he most likely means no harm.