It could have been an air freshener, or it could have been someone vaping in that bathroom. It is a single stall bathroom, and it is in the in school suspension room.
We are about to have a lockdown drill in like 3 minutes
It happened again yesterday. I think they need to replace the detector in that bathroom with a heat detector.
An update on the bathroom situation: I talked to our building engineer, and he said that they are doing an experiment by sealing off that bathroom for the week, to see if it is the detector itself. So I will update you with the results.
Around the 13th, we had our February fire drill, during 4th period while I was in the cafeteria on an off-period. For some reason this drill (and the Janaury one) were pre-announced, which is not the usual procedure, and they even let us just walk out before the drill started (there were only a few of us in the entire cafeteria).
During both drills, I was in our cafeteria building which, as I was pleasantly surprised to find out, has first-gen EST genesis’. Even though they have a flat tone, they were still extremely loud. It just really confused me because the rest of the buildings have horns with the regular genesis sound, despite it all being installed at the same time. Outdoor devices are the same, though. Super beat-up Integrity remote horns and horn-strobes like on the other buildings, and all synchronized.
Either way, both fire drills were relatively uneventful, the system worked correctly, and our February fire drill was somehow as short as 3(ish) minutes from alarm activation to the all clear.
I Had a Lockdown Drill
Last Friday
Today was NOT a drill. The PSAT tests are today, so they wouldn’t have a drill, and it’s also April. Luckily the weather was nice though!
Had a lockdown/fire drill yesterday. went quite well i must say. The system is an esser iq8 addressable system but it also has a bosch PA/voice alarm hooked to it. If the alarm goes off, the roshni’s in the hall will go off, the KAC enscapes will go off in the addition aswell as all the PA speakers. mind you all the different types of sounder and voice evac have different tones so its quite a mess. One thing they did new this drill was to add czech to the voice announcment as it was currently just english(i dont live in croatia anymore) also i found the tones what my school uses for voice evac. I wish to upload it here but unfortunately TFP doesnt support sound files.
EDIT: this the fire tone on the bosch evac this is the lockdown tone if you wish to listen to it
You can upload it to then copy it’s link and paste it here.
Drill Today, My third period teacher was in the middle of saying there was a drill this period, when the alarm interrupted him while he was saying that.
Fun fact, because there are 9838 Horns attached to the portable system (Which has Smart Sync TrueAlerts), you can hear the Sync Module sending the sync signal and even hear the 4 Bit “Go” Code that SmartSync produces, (As it sounds like FWR for a little second before a flash)
My school might be having a fire drill soon, so stay tuned for any updates!
Well, well, well! My school had their fire drill today! (see previous post)
It was around 8:40 a.m. and we were working on some foldable notes on speed, velocity, and acceleration during Science class. All of a sudden, the SpectrAlert Advance alarms began sounding! I then evacuated the school building with my class, and stayed outside until the “All Clear” signal and we entered the school, resuming our Science class. My ears were ringing after the drill ended due to the loud volume of those SpectrAlerts!
My school had an “Emergency Evacuation Drill” today. According to my teacher, our school is very behind on fire drills and this is supposed to make up for one. I don’t really think this should be considered a make-up because they didn’t sound the alarms. I’m actually kind of disappointed in my school’s staff for doing this.
I think the superintendent and/or school board should know about it so they can make sure the school does them every month.
If they do something like this again, I definitely will. I’m hoping this was just a one-off thing. I think the person that knows how to use the FACP was busy dealing with one of the boilers that leaked and flooded a couple rooms over the weekend.
My school had their last Fire Drill on May 6th. Sadly, I missed the drill because I was on a field trip with my class- no more fire drills this year!
Tonight’s Brockton Rox baseball game ended early because the fire alarm wouldn’t stop going off! According to the panel, it’s something with the smoke detector in the press box. The fire department will have to do a fire watch there overnight, and the fire alarm company will come and inspect everything in the morning. This system is only six years old! (Notifier NFS-320, replacing an AFP-100 in 2018) Now my ears won’t stop ringing after hearing those Wheelock AS horn/strobes for a prolonged period (I find them to be just as bad as SpectrAlert Advances!) The fourth time they began ringing, I actually yelled “SHUT UP!” at them.
Today I had a fire drill, the system is half EST4, and half NFS2-640. This drill was a disaster. The systems are not synchronized (Important for later!), however the entire building will be upgraded to the EST4 over the summer. If you want to see more about this system, and my future high school’s system, here is the link: What alarm do you have at work/school - #1358 by NOTIFIER. During this drill, I was inside a new classroom, which has the EST system. The N/A’s are EST LED speaker strobes marked “ALERT”. The tone played is “Three Pulse Horn” along with a custom message - Google Drive (video of the message). I personally think that they did a horrible job with this message, and the install in general. The message played says “Attention, attention, a fire alarm has been reported in the building. cease all operations and leave the building by way of marked exits only. Do not re-enter the building unless given permission to do so.” This message caused confusion among staff and students as they did not know what “marked exits” were, and the system was extremely quiet as it activated. A lot of the strobes in the hallways are blocked by lights, and the message quality is poor. You can’t really make out “cease” in “cease all operations” so it just sounds like “attention, attention, a fire alarm has been reported in the building. all operations and leave the building…” The strobes being unsynchronized was a major issue during this drill, as I believe that a teacher with photosensitive epilepsy had a seizure during this drill. The school released a notice saying “[teacher’s name] had minor medical complications during the routine fire drill today, caused by unsynchronized fire alarm strobes across our two fire alarm systems. As you know, we are renovating our school, and part of this renovation is upgrading the fire alarm system to better protect our students and staff. Due to the upgrade, half of the building’s fire alarm strobes are not synchronized with the other half of the building. We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused, and are taking measures to fix this situation, and ensure that it does not happen again.” I have no clue what they are going to do to fix this, but this definitely needs to be fixed, as in an emergency, it could be very dangerous if someone had a seizure
Low volume seems to be a common issue with every EST4 voice system that I’ve seen. They need to raise the volume and maybe go with a different message.
in UK schools (like mine) they only do fire drills (all) and lockdown drills (secondary)
they dont to severe weather as the UK nornally gets lots of rain [typical]
(but not a literal flash flood/ norm flood tho as there isnt much rain to cause floods)
the drills normally take about 5-10 mins to complete here
fact: the fire alarms that public places have in the UK are run by westronics and they do more than a fire alarm, (not sure abt voice evacs or anything i can only clarify the fire and lockdown tones)