Fire Drills, Severe Weather Drills, Lockdowns, Evacuation Drills for the 2024-2025 School Year

It’s that time of year again in some places, so here’s this year’s thread.
If this seems a little early, it’s because some places go back to school earlier than others.

Im not back in school yet, but in a few minutes I’m leaving to go to my school to meet and shadow the tech doing the annual fire alarm test at my school.

Not at School (won’t be until September). But this year is different that I won’t be able to film drills at all. Since my District decided to buy Yondr Pouches. I might be able to film if i have a point and shoot video camera.

My communist inner city district (which is one of the poorest in the state) did the same same thing last year–thankfully, I graduated from a wealthy suburban district that didn’t have that policy

Well, I am starting 9th grade at a new high school this year in September! My new school has a Mircom panel, Mircom T-bars, L-Series speaker strobes and remote strobes, and Advance speaker strobes! I will share about any fire drill at my new school when the time comes! So, no more Fire-Lite 5UD and noisy Advances!

That’s one way to describe a school district.

My school had its first drill of the school year yesterday. The alarms went off while I was in science class and for some reason my teacher made us stay seated for a minute, and then we left the building. This time the NFS2-640 was used for the drill instead of the Raptor Alert System as seen in this post, as we were re-entering the building the Raptor alert system was then tested, with some teachers getting the alert instantly, some having a delay, and some not getting the alert at all. It also turns out the FA system was not in test because the fire department showed up minutes later. I also thought it was funny hearing Pre-K kids mimicking the Notifier DVC woop tone.

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Well, I switched high schools again! I start school at my city’s public Magnet high school in two days, and my new school has an EST3 system with SIGA-278 pulls, Genesis speaker/strobes, and SIGA-PS detectors! Stay tuned for any drills with this system! (I changed schools as I was accepted into this school, the curriculum, and the commute- 5 mins from home vs. 35 mins from home)

I can upload some audio of my new high schools system, but we have a no visual recording policy.

My middle school is gonna get scraped in 3 years so I’m gonna save the System Sensor P2R’s and the Simplex lightplates. Including the Notifire LCD80-N.
I bet they are gonna upgrade to the LED L-Series.

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Posing this a bit late (For the August Drill), but now my school’s drills are in Video Format!

September Drill is coming soon!

I have sooooooo much fire drills at my school :exploding_head: but It’s a EST3 system but I think they get EST4

My school district still hasn’t done a fire drill, and school started 3 weeks ago. I’m exited to here that Siemens voice evac. But the man in the voice evac message sounds like he hasn’t hit puberty with that high-pitched voice.

I might have my first fire drill of the year tomorrow (it was scheduled for today, but it was cancelled)! Stay tuned for any updates!

Just had our first fire drill this week. System is a Silent Knight voice evacuation system with System Sensor SPSRL speaker strobes and Silent Knight sd500-psda double action (bg-8 style) pull stations. Panel is always in trouble, haven’t taken the time to notice why. Anyway, the alarms went off during homeroom period and it was chaotic. Kids running around everywhere. (This is a middle school and the 6th graders are extremely energetic, so no surprise there.) The alarms were on for about 5 minutes, and they let us go back inside. Thank god because it felt like a sauna outside.

I had two fire drills in August, Not yet for September. It’s been raining a bunch. When, I don’t know.

Today, my high school attempted to have its first fire drill of the year and in the new building. To say the least, it did not work out well at all and was not a good showing for the FA system.

At around 9:40 AM, the principal made an announcement over the intercom system, stating that we would be having our first fire drill of the year shortly and telling teachers to go over the evacuation routes.

At around 10:00 AM, nothing had happened yet and everyone was confused what was going on because the period was going to end in 3 minutes. Around one minute later, the principal came back on the intercom telling everyone that they were having “technical difficulties” and to standby in the classrooms even though the bell was about to ring. Apparently, they had pulled a pull station and everything happened (fire doors closing, equipment shutdown, ect.), except they couldn’t get the speaker/strobes to do anything.

At around 10:10 AM, the principal came over the intercom one last time and said “We are still having technical difficulties with the alarm and cannot get it to sound. Please evacuate now.” Everyone went outside but the alarm never made a peep and none of the strobes flashed even once.

This is a new building and some parts are still under construction. The system has constantly been in trouble since day 1. I’m guessing that someone messed something up but the trouble was ignored because the staff probably just passed it off as something from the construction work.

At the end of the day when I was done with school and passing the annunciator, I was pleased to see that the system is now free of troubles. I think they fixed the issue. I know that the system was at least working properly on the first week of September because the alarm went off during the day on that Friday. Who knows at what point between then and now someone messed something up. The initiating devices have been pulling as normal the entire time, though.

For anyone that is interested, the FA system is a Siemens FireFinder XLS with voice evac. The intercom system is an Adio Enhancement “EPIC” IP, server based system.

My school had their first fire drill of the year, and it was the worst one yet! For starters: the school has an EST3 system with SIGA-278 pulls, Genesis speaker/strobes and remote strobes, and SIGA-PS smokes and heats. The whoop tone is a Code 3 fast whoop and the message is the EST standard “Attention! Attention! An emergency has been reported in this building. Please cease operations and leave the building, utiltizing the nearest exit or fire exit stairway. Do not use elevators! Repeat, do not use elevators!” message used on every EST or Kidde panel since the IRC-3.

Now, to the chaos! We were working on textbook problems during Latin at 10:34 a.m. I had prior knowledge of the drill, as our Seminar teacher notified her B1 class (not all of us were in Latin) that we would have a fire or lockdown drill. Now, back to Latin: at 10:23, the EST fast whoop and message played! I immediately got up from my desk, dropped my pen, and went to the classroom exit. I also launched Voice Memos from the Control Center on my iPhone and began recording the Fire Drill. All the classes flooded the stairwell, so our class became a convoluted mess. There were so many students talking during this drill, so we could not hear the alarm in stairwell! Our Latin teacher was the last one out, checking that no students were left behind. We got to the back parking lot, where teachers yelled at us to go on the grass field. One student was sitting on the hood of a teacher’s car, so the teacher yelled at the student to get off the car. The NAC was quickly silenced, and we got back in the classroom.

I have the recording attached here:

The whoop tone is the same as in this video:

I am having a fire drill today at 10:20. I am recording it audio wise.