Fire panel simplex 4100

Quick question where do we get these dirty detector reports from a fire panel that is not connected to a printer. On our panel we have the option of it but it says to print and we aren’t able to print. It’s part of our buildings PM and we got this building few months back. With no answers I thought I’d try something else. Any tips would help thanks.

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If a detector is dirty, you should receive a dirty trouble condition on the panel.

there might be an available RS232 output on that panel and you could connect a compatible printer to it.

if you find one i would order one of those and try to get it working

Here is location where RS232 would be located for “4100” but you need to make sure this is the panel you have as it could be wildly different.

I’m not sure how helpful this is but with a laptop/terminal running TerraTerm plugged in to the CPU service port you can pull up the dirty smoke report. This is a fairly quick and easy process on a 4100ES panel with ethernet, and would be more viable for a service tech than end user.

You can do this either directly with the 10-pin RS232 service port, or it can be done over IP with the Ethernet port. I believe the address is Outputs data a lot faster than over serial!

Very true about the rs232 port. I’ve had trouble trying to connect and use the terminal via serial though, but I think part of that may be issues with the laptop I use as a Simplex/Johnson Controls tech. (company issued, bloated with both security software and crazy workarounds to get our old software to work on new computers)