Firealarmking’s Fire Alarm Collection

Hello all! I have just started collecting and have had a longtime interest in alarms. I have the following devices in my collection:

Left to Right: Uhppote bootleg Fire-Lite BG-12, First Alert CO614 and a Siterwell smoke alarm from Amazon


2 First Alert fire extinguishers

Simplex 4251-20 light switch plate in my boiler room

You say “Amazon-rebranded”, but that’s actually incorrect: we don’t know who makes those knockoff BG-12s (yes that’s what they are), but “Uhppote” is one name that’s related to them.

That CO614 is a good CO detector to have I’d say given the design & their rarity (especially in such good condition like yours).

That’s likely a Siterwell smoke detector, made by Siterwell of China: compared to the likes of BRK/First Alert & even Kidde (who aren’t that good quality-wise going by all their recalls) I wouldn’t trust their detectors for actual life safety purposes given how generic & obscure they are (moreso with yours since it’s not branded on the front, might be on the label though).

As for those two First Alert fire extinguishers you have, I think I once had the white model: I got rid of it though because they’re just cheap “trigger”-type extinguishers unlike the others I have, which have actual handles.

Boiler room? What kind of building do you live in that has a boiler/boiler room?

Some houses use boilers for heat. Mine, a three level home (including basement), has a boiler. They are often smaller than a standard furnace as well.

My house was built in 1960 and has a boiler room with a water heater attached to the garage (it used to be in the laundry room until part of it became a bathroom and the other part the garage.)

(Sorry for the double post)

Some updates:

  • I installed the other detector in a hallway to replace an old First Alert P1210E that just would not stop going off

  • I got to keep the other detector!!