This is driving me nuts. We have four detectors upstairs in our house. They are on some sort of hardwired circuit so that testing the alarm on one plays sound on all of them. We got some periodic chirping two days ago so I replaced the 9 volt batteries in all the units. One in a bedroom continues to chirp. I finally unplugged it and put it temporarily in another room. The chirping continues at the emply hole in the ceiling! What am I doing wrong?
can you send a picture of inside the hole?
I went out and bought a replacement First Alert 7010b but the problem persists. Every few seconds I hear a chirp whether the unit is plugged in or removed entirely. The problem started a few days ago and I was hoping battery replacment would fix things.
there might be some kind of fault in the wiring
or you plugged the detector in backwards maybe
The problem started on its own and I have it plugged in properly. I’m running out of ideas. Hate to call an electrcian but might have to.
There could be a detector between the the ceiling and rafters, it’s happened before
try checking inside the hole to see if there’s a smoke alarm in there
Okay, I’m feeling very foolish. My 76 year old ears didn’t realize that the beeping was coming from a nearby Carbon Monoxide detector, not my smoke detector! Thanks for the help!
bro relateable - we had to remove old brk electronic ones from the 80’s they wouldnt stop
Exactly same problem. Beeping coming from the hole in the ceiling. Doesn’t even make logical sense. I’m a retired telecommunications technician with 42 years of experience. Replaced battery, double checked polarity.
You might want to check the attic
Did you ever figure out the problem? I removed my smoke detectors about a year ago to replace with a different type. Now the hole in the ceiling where one of the detectors was located is now beeping. I disconnected the white wire that was hanging from the ceiling, but wasn’t so sure about touching the red wire. There is no smoke detector in the ceiling cavity.
Very unlikely the sound is coming from any wiring. Is it a chirp or full alarm sound? If it’s just a chirp it could just be your other smoke alarm or maybe a CO detector in the room? Sometimes the beeps sound like they’re coming from somewhere else…
Is it possible to look through the hole in the ceiling (take the base out so it’ll have more room for a flashlight) if there is a hidden detector somewhere in there? Try to find where that red wire goes and see if it’s connected to a hidden detector up there.
Ugh! Totally having the same problem. The hole in the ceiling is beeping. How is that even possible? Help please.
Hey there. The problem is one of your detectors is probably dirty. Since they are all linked together, if one has a problem you’ll hear a chirp that sounds like it’s coming from the ceiling. Take them down one at a time or all at once, blow them out with a can of air or vacuum them out, reinstall them and hold the set/reset button for 15 seconds to reset it. If that doesn’t work, you probably have a defective detector.
SAME! All 6 smoke detectors are down with the batteries removed. yet the HOLE in the CEILING is beeping. How is this!???
i’ve looked with a flashlight but nothing up there.
Maybe you guys can check the attic for any detectors up there- usually some older homes have a detector in the attic!
Did you ever figure out the beeping in the ceiling? I have the same problem