Anyone remember what you were doing the first time you got to hear a particular type of fire alarm?
I’ve got a few:
September 2009 - Country School, Weston, MA
What went off: Simplex 4100 system with TrueAlert speaker/strobes, speakers, and strobes.
The story: Me and the rest of the class were in the computer lab, getting the hang of a timed math program called FASTT Math (some of you will cringe at the mere mention of those words). Anyway, I had just gotten to a pause point in the initial “Fast Fact Challenge” when I hear this (different speaker/strobes, but you get the idea). I quickly realized it was a fire alarm. So I log out of FASTT Math, and head out the door and out through the front entrance. We wait outside for a minute or two before the system is reset and we head back in.
I log back into FASTT Math and complete the lesson.
That story might have been a little, well, boring.
Don’t worry - here’s a more fun one.
July 2012 - Milestones Day School - Waltham, MA
What went off: Notifier NFS2-640 system with SpectrAlert Advance speaker/strobes, and more.
The story: The elementary grades (4 and 5) went on a field trip to a children’s museum.
Due to behaviors that occurred the previous day, I was not able to go on this field trip, so me and a teacher stayed back.
I was understandably very upset at first. After I calmed down, I just sat down on the carpet and did nothing for around an hour, but that quickly became way too boring.
So, what did I do after that hour? I pulled out my computer (this school gave every student their own MacBook) and started watching episodes of my favorite TV show - Lab Rats.
The teacher didn’t care and went into the adjacent room. That’s right - I effectively “earned” hours of undisturbed free time for having bad behavior. (“Undisturbed” didn’t turn out to be true, because of what happened next.)
I had watched 2 episodes and was barely into the third one when I hear this. I initially had no idea what it was. I first thought it was someone’s two-way radio. (I’m a little embarrassed to say this…)
I quickly realized what was really going on when I noticed that the strobes were flashing. I click pause and head out, down the hallway, and down the stairs - in those stairs I heard Wheelock MT’s on 120bpm March Time. (these MT’s are in the basement.)
Outside, I could clearly hear SpectrAlert Classic and Advance horn/strobes doing code-3, from the office tenants upstairs.
We waited, and waited, and waited, and waited, out in some decidedly hot weather. (It was over 90 degrees that day. Did I mention the assembly point is a grassy hill with no shade at all?)
After 20 or so minutes, we were finally allowed back in - false alarm caused by burnt toast.
Back to watching Lab Rats!
The teacher tried giving me work a few times but I used the classic excuse of “Just one more episode…” which worked every time.
After around 2 hours, the other students got back from the field trip.
A student had a quick conversation with me, which went somewhat like this:
Student: What did you do while we were gone? Just sit there and do nothing for hours and hours?
Me: Of course not! Why do you think I would do nothing?
Student: Then what did you do?
Me: I watched episodes of this TV show that’s on Disney XD. It’s called Lab Rats.
Student: I’ve never seen that show, but my brother loves it. What’s it about?
Me: It’s awesome! A high-schooler named Leo Dooley moves in with an inventor. Leo accidentally finds a basement-
Different Student: Don’t spoil it!
Me: Sorry…
Student: Anyhow, did anything else happen today that I missed?
Me: Well, the fire alarm went off.
Student: What?! We missed a fire drill?
Me: It wasn’t a drill.
Student: Then what happened?
Me: Someone burned toast.
Student: Just how do you know that?
Me: I asked the maintenance guy.
So those are my first-time fire alarm stories.
Got any interesting ones to share?